Personal content

Real name
Patrick Pavel Bietruch
Place of birth
Year of birth
185 cm / 6' 1"
76 kg / 168 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
Seeking to prove his worth after rejection by his father, Patrick Bietruch became a pilot in 3305 and ventured into the galaxy in search of answers and recognition as a Quintuple Elite V.


Patrick Pavel Bietruch was born in September 3271 in the Nona system at Bennett Gateway. His parents are Patricia Bietruch and Christopher Bietruch. Patrick is their only child. His mother worked at the Bennett Gateway station in one of the medical facilities, and his father was a pilot, mainly engaged in exploration. Before meeting Patricia, he achieved Elite status in all areas, making Christopher one of the few Triple Elite pilots.

Early life
3271 - 3286

Because of his profession, Christopher rarely saw his son and wife as he was not home often. Patrick in his early years spent time at home mainly alone when his father was traveling around the galaxy and his mother was at work. He's always been interested in what Christopher does. Young Patrick's imagination was driven by the stories his dad told him when he was home.

At the age of 13, Patrick began to feel resentment and anger towards his father for spending so little time with his only son. He felt rejected and forgotten when Christopher were on his adventures far away from home. For the next two years, Patrick stopped seeing his father, even when he returned from his trips.

In 3286, when Patrick was 15, Christopher returned from yet another expedition, this time bringing bad news. He must go far and beyond the Bubble for a little longer than usual, possibly for even a few years. However, he did not say what made him do it or what he was looking for and when asked about it, he replied that it was classified information. The news completely shattered Patricia, who, just like Patrick, was fed up with Christopher's constant absence.
Patrick decided to confront his father and try to convince him to take him along on this dangerous journey. After all, the father owed this to his son for all those years of growing up in an incomplete family. In an argument with his son, Christopher blew up and firmly replied to Patrick that he was going alone because only the best of the best could go on this trip, and that Patrick would never fall into that category anyway. Patrick, unable to believe what he was hearing, went to his bedroom, and did not leave until his father left the house. These words completely destroyed young Patrick. Rejected by his hero, by his own father.

This was the last time Christopher would be seen by his family.

Adult life
3287 - 3305

At 16, Patrick started working as an assistant in his mother's medical facility. In addition to school, he also wanted to get some extra experience and earn his first real money.

In 3294, Patrick graduated from school and began work in the aforementioned medical facility. In his spare time, he devoted himself to studying space and the galaxy.

After 4 years, in 3298, he quit his job to start a pilot's license course. His motivation was curiosity and a desire to uncover the truth - where his father went and what could be more important than his own family. By becoming a pilot, he also wanted to prove to himself and to his father that he was in fact one of the best. His objective was to reach the status of Triple Elite.
However, his mother did not like this idea. She was concerned that Patrick would end up like Christopher. In the end, all attempts to convince her son to stay home failed, and in 3302, at the age of 31, Patrick obtained his pilot's license. This achievement gave him a shadow of a chance to find his father. He believed with all his heart, that his dad is still somewhere out there.

Until 3305, Patrick did not have the courage to venture into the unknown, so he only carried out small assignments around his origin system. At the age of 34, however, he left the Nona system to explore the galaxy with two main goals in mind: achieve the Triple Elite and find his father..