Logbook entry

LOG UPDATE : Resignation

02 Feb 2022ThreeFour
Latest event had to be logged:
Attached you will find my letter of resignation...

o7 CMDRs,

I want to thank everyone affiliated to Estra Haven, and [ESHA] itself,
what it once was or now is, for the great time we had together.
Kerst, Alakar, Mitachibana, Mizora, Thijmens, allies and guests! so many people!
i will remember the glory days, and i will remember those that fell in the great Odyssey... o7
i will remember what we once had., the Profits made!, and the battles fought., How wonderfull of a time i had here.,
even though, i still feel relatively new here sometimes, i actually missed out on the founding months [ESHA] had to endure,
those are the real hersoes of Estra Haven.., i'm just an Admiral., now., i was never really proud of the title,
i only got it because our former Fleet Admiral, Glorious Eternal Leader, Prophet of Profit CMDR Kersthaas had to retire..
We all have our reasons ofcourse, and leaving Estra Haven isn't something i take lightly..
For what it's worth, you can call on me for future BGS operations or other assistance.
[ESHA] was a home to me for a long time, 497 days, and as a CMDR who's hart belongs to The Federation,
i was partly proud to a certain level to gain the Admiral rank, as it had a nice ring to it.
It was a rank i had worked for ever since i was a lieutenant long ago..
This is why it's so sad to go, as we all worked so hard for this..
But the only constant is change, and i will give into it now, with shame and sadness in my heart..
i will join up with the Federal Auxiliary Forces once again, and hopefully one day die a glorious death..
i will leave this ribbon here with you

My best regards, i salute you.

Will update soon
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