Logbook entry


30 Sep 2021ThreeFour
[Log Update]

Last entry: 02.08.3307
In this update:
- Rank progression.
- The Fight for the Federation against New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence.
- Hunt for traitor ex-Admiral Yuri Grom.

-Rank progression.
Our efforts in ground combat have earned us the rank of "Warrior"
Just a few more ranks to go. Target rank is Elite, as i can't be bothered with the numbers behind it..
Mostly earned doing mercenary work, for the Federation.

-Federation fight against New Kuwembaa Labour's Independence.
We have done our part and fought with the Federation against the independance of New Kuwembaa Labour.
Our efforts did however not prevail, and several systems defected from the Federation..
As this was already months ago, it still needed an entry in this log.
Contributors: 657
Contributions: 6,245,833,930
Ended: 12.08.3307

-Hunt for traitor ex Admiral Yuri Grom.
Time to support the Federation once more in their effort to hunt down Yuri Grom.
President Zachary Hudson gave an official statement:
"Yuri Grom is a traitor and a dangerous threat to Federal security. We cannot ignore any opportunity to eliminate this ruthless tyrant."
Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar has asked for Federal auxiliaries to provide combat support to its forces.
We will leave for DELTA PAVONIS at once!
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︎1 Shiny!

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