Cmdr Haraldsen
Trader / Pirate
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter HA-11C
Overall assets

Personal content

Real name
Place of birth
Year of birth
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
cold blue
Haraldsen was born in 3272 on an obscure outpost near the Pleiades Nebula, where her parents worked as miners for a small corporation. She never knew her real name or origin, as her parents died during the unrest that accompanied the outbreak of an epidemic when she was a toddler still. She was adopted by a group of traders who provided the outpost with medicine, and they later gave her the name Haraldsen, in reference to certain viking tendencies she has.

Haraldsen, who developed a liking for her new name, grew up among those traders and also smugglers, learning the skills of piloting, trading, and mining. She often accompanied her new family on expeditions to Guardian sites, where they collected valuable artifacts and data, and developed a fascination for Guardian technology, and the mysterious relics they left behind.

When she was 19, Haraldsen decided to join the Imperial Navy, hoping to see more of the galaxy and earn some prestige. She enrolled in the Imperial Academy, where she excelled in piloting and navigation. She was assigned to a Cutter, a large and powerful spaceship, and served in the Navy for six years, participating successively in several missions. However, Haraldsen soon became bored with the Imperial way of life, especially of having to follow the rules and chain of command. She missed the freedom and adventure of her trader days, and the thrill of exploring Guardian sites. She decided to leave the Navy, but not without taking a Cutter with her, using her contacts and skills to forge some documents which also gave her access to prismatic shields.

As Haraldsen maneuvered her new Cutter through the labyrinth of space, she couldn't shake the feeling that her destiny was intertwined with the ancient Guardians whose relics she had once sought so fervently. Her mind often wandered back to the enigmatic structures and the silent whispers of history that seemed to emanate from the cold, lifeless artifacts. One fateful day, while charting a course near the edge of the Orion Spur, Haraldsen's ship sensors picked up an anomalous signal, faint but distinct, unlike anything she had encountered before. Driven by an insatiable curiosity, she set a direct course for the signal's origin - a decision that would forever alter the trajectory of her life.

The signal led her to a derelict moon, pockmarked with craters and ravines. In the heart of a massive crater lay a relic, half-buried in the moon dust, pulsating with an eerie glow. It was a Guardian relic, but unlike any she had seen before. Its design was intricate, its surface etched with symbols that danced like shadows under the starlight, and it seemed to hum with a life of its own. As Haraldsen approached the relic, a sudden energy surge enveloped her, and in a blinding flash, she vanished from the physical realm. Time lost its meaning as she drifted in a void beyond the confines of reality. Visions of the past, present, and future swirled around her, time and space converging into a single point of infinite knowledge.

Her first prophecy came to her in a vision, as enigmatic as the stars themselves:

"**In the dance of the celestial spheres, where light and darkness entwine, the key to the vault of heaven lies hidden in plain sight. Seek not to dominate, but to understand, for knowledge is the truest power. The path of the Seer is solitary, but her voice will unite the fragments of the past with the promise of the future.**"

With these words, Haraldsen's destiny was sealed. She returned to the material world, her mind a hurting tapestry of prophecies yet to be fulfilled. The Eyes of the Witch, a fraction long thought lost to the annals of time, had found their new voice, and she was reborn as their Seer. When Haraldsen reemerged, she found herself back on her Cutter, but she was not the same. The Eyes of the Witch were seekers, not conquerors - they thirsted for the hidden truths of the universe, for the wisdom that lay buried in the fabric of existence. And Haraldsen now carried the burden of their legacy, destined to unveil the mysteries that had been shrouded in the darkness of space.

Haraldsen set a new course, not for a destination, but for a destiny. The galaxy would soon come to know about the prophecies, and through them, the enigmatic truths of the universe would be revealed.