Cmdr Maul Montresor
Hacker / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Imperial Courier MA-21E
Overall assets
Imperial Deathwatch

Personal content

Real name
Maul Montresor
Place of birth
LHS 3447
Year of birth
179 cm / 5' 10"
72.5 kg / 160 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Eye color
1 Brown/1 Blue (Cybernetic Implants)
Standard Fed with a hint of Southern American

Occupation: Hacker/Freelancer
Marital Status: Single
Political Affiliation: Independent/Anarchist
Known Relatives: (The Montresor family appears to have no record of ever existing. It's to be presumed that Mr. Montresor wiped his family records from the database.)  

History: Born and raised on Dalton Gateway. He was an only child. Both of his parents worked in agriculture. As a teen he began to take an interest in technology. At the age of 19 we believe that he began working under an unknown alias as a hacker for hire taking contracts from a group called "The Network" (See below for more details). In his early twenties he began working at a local pub on Dalton Gateway as a bar tender. The previous employer confirmed that he took a month long "vacation" while employed at the pub. We have reason to believe that he took that time to work a contract on Hauser's Reach in Robigo (We have images of him on station at the time waltzing around in clothes that he'd never be able to afford on a bartenders pay). Soon after his "vacation" he miraculously received his pilot's license, somehow skipping ahead of the usually long wait period. At some point prior to this, an unknown CMDR had transferred a Sidewinder to him. There is no record of credits ever being exchanged. Shortly after that he began working for a corporation that was located on Cleve Hub in Eravate, where he would haul cargo and eventually, after multiple training courses, protect other hauler's from pirates. It wasn't long after that, he was thrown under the spotlight for shooting down a rival company's ship, thus murdering their CEO. He narrowly escaped our security ships that day, and has only been spotted a handful of times since. He has since been cleared of the murder charges due to a large information leak that revealed that the corporation he worked for at the time of the murder was actually a front for a drug smuggling/manufacturing ring. The leaked documents cleared the names of hundreds of falsely accused people. According to the leaks, Montresor (#247681-Z) was used as a scapegoat in the corporations attempt to eliminate their competitor.  (We assume he had something to do with the hack that led to the information leak but have no solid evidence).

Personality: Despite his background, all of our contacts (the few that have spoke to him) say that he is a generous and rather easy going person but also a rather troubled individual who struggles with random bouts of anxiety and self hatred. (Potential mental disorders - may be on prescription medication. Cross reference known aliases with all possible medical databases.)

Personal Equipment: It's safe to assume that he always has a portable computer, modified slate, modified comms device, etc. on him at all times. Considering his current choice in occupation and his previous "Pirate Prevention" training, he is also very likely to be carrying a concealed firearm at most times. He also now appears to have replaced both of his eyes with cybernetic implants. Our sources say they are cheap replacements which we're probably swapped in a hurry. Probably best to assume they were replaced out of necessity rather than choice.

** "The Network" has been around for ages. They're a secret organization that distribute contracts to mercs/hackers/assassins/etc. They're fixers but on a much grander scale. Clients will contact them when they need a job done and The Network will find people who are willing and capable of doing said job. The clients put up the credits, The Network takes a cut, and the rest goes to the individual who carried out the actual act. We've been unable of shutting them down due a multitude of ridiculous and all too convenient upsets in the system. Anytime we get evidence, it somehow vanishes before a case can be made. "Better the Devil you know" I suppose.