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Depths Of Development Pt 10

Vogulu system

With the bartender sedated and secured for delivery, Terra sat across from Zaria, studying her in silence, as a more energetic Sunny maintained her excitement over the credits they were going to earn, on top of what Zaria had previously paid them.

‘What are your plans, once you have claimed the bounty,’ Zaria asked, leaning back in her chair.

‘Do you have more people with bounties,’ Sonny asked, in an excited tone.

‘Depends on both of your requirements,’ Zaria replied, smiling at Terra.

‘You never did tell us who you are,’ Terra said, maintaining her impassive expression.

‘Of course, I did,’ Zaria replied, leaning in closer to Terra. ‘I am the answer to your problems.’

‘That is not an answer,’ Terra replied, with an increasing annoyance to her tone.

‘It was for the answer I was seeking,’ Zaria laughed. ‘We will work on the temperament later, but for now, I am wanting to know if you two are wanting to make enough legal credits to afford better than what you currently have.’

Terra was thoroughly annoyed at this point, standing up.

‘We can work on it now too if you prefer,’ Zaria stated, continuing to smile at her.

‘Count me in,’ Sunny said, attempting to diffuse the situation, with a clear interest in upgrading both her and Terra’s current standard of living.

Terra glanced at Sunny.

Zaria leaned forward once more. ‘Good, first thing is first. We need to look at upgrading what you currently have, then begin planning on what may come next.’

‘As if you are just going to repair this,’ Terra growled, motioning around.

‘You have but to follow me to a nearby planetary base, for the answer to your question,’ Zaria replied, her smile broadening.

i Sola Prospect
Brestla system

Bandura wore a smile on his face, arms folded and watching Zaria look around in nostalgia. It was the same station where she had recently been gifted her Krait Mk II. The same hangar crew was present as well, waiting to begin re-purpose the Keelback on the pad before them.

As the ladies approached, Zaria turned to introduce the ladies.

‘Nicholas Bandura, allow me to introduce, Sunny Chase and Terra Richmond. Imperial bounty hunters, and hence sanctioned Reapers.’

‘It is a pleasure,’ Bandura said, bowing in Imperial fashion towards the two ladies.

‘So, what are your plans for this ship,’ Bandura asked, turning to face Zaria.

‘What they currently have, does not ensure survival. E and B rated modules, with a basic pulse-laser, and no armor. Thought of teaching them how to mine, and in doing so, get them upgraded to something better, plus get them each a little combat time in the Taipan, against the pirates that like to hang out in the rings.’

‘What, so we can be indentured to you for the cost,’ Terra growled.

Bandura gave a hearty laugh, to Terra’s annoyance, as Sunny flashed a nervous look among the group.

‘No,’ Zaria replied, smiling. ‘You will be working from my ship, and I will be teaching you. Out of what we refine, I will keep 1 ton out of 10, so the majority of everything will be yours.’

Zaria turned to look at the Keelback. ‘This station has all the equipment required, to transformer her into a proper eighty-ton cargo vessel with A-rated, engineered modules.’

‘Once that is accomplished, we will then use it to haul a greater sum, which will go towards kitting you two out with a proper bounty-hunting vessel,’ Zaria said while turning back to Terra, wearing a smile.

Terra narrowed her eyes, glaring once more at Zaria. ‘Who the hell are you?’

Bandura left out another hearty laugh. ‘You haven’t told them?’

Zaria gave Bandura a fast glance, from the corner of her eye, before looking once more toward Terra. ‘I am Zaria Woodard, Imperial Hunter,’ she said, bowing towards Terra and Sunny, as both their eyes opened wide.

Bandura’s laughter echoed throughout the hangar.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The afternoon after the event with Lilia, Tzebra had only been seen briefly, walking outside of the research facility long enough to impress his desire onto his boys, that the entrance was off-limits to all who did not need to be in there. A duty they understood and undertook with a seriousness.

By the second day, Lilia came outside with Tzebra, walking around with his assistance, and the boys flanking them; their fur color taking on a partial chameleon effect, with the terrain they were treading upon. Tobias understood the purpose of their display and movements. To them, Lilia was the female alpha, and she carried the pack's next generation.

Sheyla was present, flanked by Tobias and Francis, watching the impressive beast guard their mistress. Lydia sat with Aarav and Saleen on the front porch, watching as doctor Talman walked over from the facility.

Doctor Talman walked up to stand next to Tobias, watching Lilia and her lethal chaperons.
‘I had heard the mythical tales of, but was unaware any were being kept as pets, since the unfortunate incident of Prince Aristide de Lavigny, having been eaten by his, more than a century passed.’

‘He raised these from pups. To them he is their father,’ Tobias stated, looking back at the younger members of the family, sitting on the porch, making sure of their position on the property.

‘Mistress Lilia would be their alpha female,’ doctor Talman noted. ‘I confess, if it were not for my scientific mind, I believe I would have pissed myself upon seeing them.’

Tobias smirked in acknowledgment.

‘Do you believe we are in danger,’ doctor Talman asked.

‘No,’ Tobias responded, ‘as they know everyone here and their place in what they perceive as the pack. They would not be gentle in their enforcement though, and I am too old to be arguing with them. Give them time. When Lilia is back among us, they will loosen up.’

‘You would be the pack's patriarch in their minds then,’ doctor Talman noted with a curious tone, ‘but not the alpha.’

‘Yep,’ Tobias grunted once more. ‘They wouldn’t hurt me, but they also wouldn’t allow me to get near. Imagine they would introduce me to the ground if I tried.’

‘You kids don’t go anywhere near her, especially you Lydia. You don’t go near the facility unless one of the doctors is accompanying you. Ya’ll understand,’ Tobias yelled back at them, watching to make sure they heard him. The nervous looks on their faces and bobbing of heads signified their interest was in obeying.

‘How is she doing,’ Sheyla asked, surprising everyone.

‘Lilia’s biological and cybernetics are both acclimating, in a positive manner. While her cybernetics can be of benefit in many situations, they come at a price.’

Tobias tipped his hat back. ‘Was curious about such. Imagine it takes a lot out of her, from a physiological perspective.’

Doctor Talman eyed Tobias, clearly impressed. ‘Imagine this life has taught you a lot about the biological nature of things. While they can be of great assistance to the human side of her, they extract a price for doing so. I am impressed sir, most would never consider that, which you know from your life experiences.’

‘Being a simple man of the land doesn’t mean dumb, doctor,’ Tobias said with smiling eyes.

‘Forgive me. I was not meaning to imply,’ doctor Talman said apologetically.

Tobias slapped the doctor on the back. ‘Loosen up doc, I took no offense. But I want to make sure she is well taken care of. If she needs it, and we don’t have it, get a hold of me immediately. Tzebra would tear the space above apart, and we can’t be having that. She needs him next to her. The boys and I can get whatever it is, and if need be, tear space doing it.’

Doctor Talman looked over at Sheyla. ‘How have you been doing Ms. Simons?’

Sheyla watched the couple in silence, a small tear in the corner of her eye.

Francis gave both Tobias and doctor Talman a look that was immediately understood, as they turned their attention back to Tzebra and Lilia; who were headed back into the research facility. His boys lay down at its entrance, blocking the path.

‘Is there any specific diet she will require,’ Tobias asked, pulling down the brim of his hat.

‘Yes,’ doctor Talman said, turning towards Tobias. ‘Doctor Barton is correlating all of the relevant data, and designing a flexible nutritional plan for her and the baby.’

‘Have her send me the list the moment she has it complete, and we will round it up for her.’ Tobias said, looking back over his shoulder at the younger members on the porch.

Francis smiled at Sheyla, then hugged her.

Tobias made a grunting sound. ‘Tzebra’s master-chef android can make whatever she requires. Get me the list doc.’

‘I will Tobias,’ doctor Talman responded, with a smile on his face as he looked at Francis hugging Sheyla.

Kausates system

The ground was littered with the broken bodies of the one-time security and technical personnel, of the now disabled bandit mining station. Zaria stood in the dim lights of the settlement, looking towards her ship, and the two ladies watching her. She better understood their expressions, from their first stop, at the system's navigational beacon.

At the navigational beacon, each was given a turn with the ship's Taipan fighter. Sunny had learned quickly, becoming proficient in a short amount of time. Terra had taken longer and was easily frustrated. They had taken a good collection of pirate bounties, before moving to this settlement. Here they were to watch and develop questions to ask when she returned.

Terra stood without expression, watching her, while Sunny looked shocked and excited. Zaria focused on Terra’s expression, knowing now that her aggression and defiance were a shield and not a sword. She was the slower, and could not compete with Sunny, and without knowing how to develop herself, or find a means of compensation, she developed her shield.

Perhaps the family could help Terra break through her terribly fragile shell, and discover things about herself, she most likely did not know. With everyone making their way to the property, there would be a wealth of knowledge and experience available.

Zaria smiled midst the carnage surrounding her. Lilia's pregnant? The place had to be abuzz with excitement. Bandura couldn’t stop smiling and left before they did. Zaria wanted to take her new brood on a round-about path, to collect a few bounties, and gauge their experience first. All of the credits collected would be split equally amongst them, in fairness. It would be a good beginning to their first steps on this path.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Bandura walked the path from the landing pad towards the main house, with people greeting him as he approached.

‘Where’s the idiot at,’ Bandura asked playfully.

‘You only but use your eyes,’ Tobias retorted, nodding towards the boys.

Bandura turned to look at the research facility.

‘How’s she doing?’

‘Well, from what the doctors have told us. We only see them briefly, when they go for short walks.’

‘Let’s find out more,’ Bandura said, casting a mischievous smile over his shoulder, as he marched towards the facility.

‘Yep, a moron,’ Tobias said, leaning back to watch the show.

As Bandura approached, the boys raised; their fur beginning their chameleon changing pattern.

‘You going to block the damned door all day, or can I go congratulate him,’ Bandura asked with a stern tone. The showing of teeth larger than his legs was the response. Bandura sighed, making a brushing motion with his arm. ‘Go on you two, get out of the way.’

The low rumbling growl reverberated through his flight suit, as Bandura took another step. ‘Boys, you need to unscrew yourselves, and step off,’ Bandura said sternly, glaring.

‘Hey moron, why don’t you try moving them,’ Tobias yelled from the porch of the main house.

‘Smartass,’ Bandura said under his breath, as he moved up to the nearest one, leaning into it, to physically push it out of the way; it was solid.

‘Shit,’ Bandura yelled out, trying to catch his breath, as the one, he pushed into, knocked him down with its paw, and held him there. The other looked at him, teeth bared and a growl that shook the ground. ‘Take it that’s a no then,’ Bandura said gasping, as the large paw was removed from his chest.

Bandura pushed himself up to his knees, taking a couple of deep breaths, and looking at the one that had knocked him down. ‘You’re an asshole, you know that. A simple no would have worked just as well.’ The boy lowered his head, his face almost touching Banduras in response.

‘Fine then,’ Bandura said, standing back up. ‘Let your dad know I am here when you get a chance. And try not to break wind that near to the door. The lady doesn’t need any of your stinking.’

Brushing himself off, Bandura turned and walked back to the main house, where everyone was outside, watching him return in defeat.

‘How’d that work out for you,’ Tobias said with a straight face.

‘Cranky bastards aren’t they,’ Bandura said, almost giggling. ‘They been that way since she went in?’

‘Yep. Only the doctors get by, everyone else keeps their distance, or gets educated.’

‘Oh, you have tried it then?’

‘Not that stupid son. Their alpha needs her rest and recovery, and they dang sure aren’t going to let anyone jack with that, especially mouthy brother’s being idiots.’

‘Cranky old geezer, you fit right in with them.’

‘I don’t have a paw, but a boot in your britches and a belt work just as well,’ Tobias said with a smirk.

Bandura laughed. ‘Already had one education today, don’t need another.’

‘How’ve you been son. Keeping the galaxy safe out there?’

‘You know Zaria is a sanctioned hunter, and doing well. She picked up a couple of stray female bounty hunters and was going to help them out when word reached us. They are on their way here too.’

Jorgan looked down at Tobias. ‘We are running out of rooms.’

Tobias nodded. ‘I can go to the stable, no problems. That will free up a bed and bath. Knucklehead here can continue to live on his ship. That will save another spare, and give two of the ladies a room.’

Jorgan looked over towards the far end of the porch, where Mauzipah was standing with Aarav.
‘Mauzipah and I will move back aboard the ship. That will free up two more.’

Tobias nodded, looking around the big man towards Aarav. ‘Son, come here.’

‘Yes, sir.’

‘I need you to help out Jorgan and Mauzipah,’ Tobias said, looking at Jorgan. ‘Cull out a couple who are ready, and take them to the farm on the far-side, and barter them off for some bushels of fresh produce. Going to have a lot more mouths to feed, and we need to stock up.’ Tobias looked to Bandura. ‘As for you, I need you to take me up to Bessel Gateway and help me load up on some more supplies. Need to make sure we have far more than enough.’

Everyone was surprised by that, as Tobias hated space flight.

‘I can do it on my own,’ Bandura replied, trying to spare him.

‘No son, this is on me,’ Tobias said, tipping his hat back, and looking around. ‘Alright boys, let’s get to it.’

Not as Expected
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Poppy greeted the ladies as they departed Zaria’s ship, both Terra and Sunny looking around in wide-eyed wonder at the place, to Bandura’s amusement.

‘The open spaces can zap the brain of those too used to being on stations,’ Zaria said with a smile while motioning around.

‘What type of place is this,’ Sunny asked with excitement.

‘This is a working ranch, which services others on this planet, along with providing for the local market at the orbiting station above,’ Zaria stated, pointing towards a few cows, visible nearby.

‘You were raised here,’ Terra asked.

‘No, but you could say I was reborn here. This very place is where my training began to become a hunter.’

‘Was it difficult,’ Sunny asked, looking wide-eye around.

‘For a time she forgot who she was, or that she was even human,’ Poppy said with a chuckle.

‘Forgot more than even that,’ Zaria replied, with a smile.

‘Did you ride a horse,’ Terra asked in a snarky fashion.

Zaria knew it was her protective shield activating and smiled toward her. ‘Yes I did, and if you like, the people here can teach you how. It is an enjoyable bonding experience, that brings with it a lot of freedom you would enjoy.’

Terra huffed in response as Sunny looked with added excitement toward Zaria. ‘Oh, I would love to!’

‘First, let us meet some of the others,’ Poppy said, motioning with his hand towards the path leading to the main house, where the porch was lined with some of the others.


The introductions were interrupted as Terra let out a scream, jolting everyone, as she pointed towards the boys, resting at the door of the research facility.

Zaira took her hand, as Terra stared with wide terrified eyes. ‘They are part of the family, and help to guard the cattle.’

Terra was on the verge of a complete breakdown as Francis stepped off the porch, staring at the boys; who had risen to their height, due to the excitement. ‘One of you please come here,’ Francis asked politely.

‘It will be alright,’ Poppy said, stepping in front of Terra, smiling. ‘Think of them as large children, with cuddly fur. They are smarter than most humans, and can be as gentle as a baby.’

Terra was crying in terror, as one approached Francis- its head lowered in a submissive manner.

Francis stroked its fur, as Poppy stepped off the porch, and began doing the same, motioning towards Sunny and Terra.

‘Go introduce yourselves,’ Zaria said, wiping the tears from Terra’s face. ‘It will be alright. With them, you are in the safest place inside this entire system.

Sunny stepped off the porch, walked up, and began petting him. ‘Hello, I am Sunny, what is your name?’

‘Their dad never named them, or not that any have ever known,’ Francis chuckled, ruffling its fur.

Terra’s legs were starting to give out, as Zaria helped to lower her down to sit on the porch.
‘That is alright. He understands,’ Zaria said, looking over to the boy, who crawled slowly forward towards the edge of the porch, in front of Terra.

‘You see, he is letting you know you are safe with him,’ Zaria said smiling, reaching over to touch the fur.

Terra reached out with a trembling hand, touching its fur, as it lowered its head further.

‘What type of animal species are they,’ Sunny asked, turning her head to look at the one in front of the research facility.

‘They are Ling Langs. A species of hyper-intelligent predatory species from the outer rim. Normally reclusive and hard to find, if you don’t know specifically what to look for.’

‘How did the owner of this place get them,’ Terra asked, with a trembling voice.

‘Tzebra is the owner of this place and is an explorer at heart, along with being an apt researcher in his own right. He is also a very adept hunter and tracker. The Short version is he located one of their females during his travels, who was in a bad way. Whether due to injury or illness was unknown, but it was beyond his attempts to render aid, so he eased her suffering. It was only after that he found she had young nearby, who were not yet weaned. Being who he is, he took it upon himself to save them.

They tore up a couple of his armored hazmat suits until he could get some armor crafted that could withstand them. He fed, raised, and trained them. He would take them hunting Giant Verrix and other creatures which were natural prey for their types. In time he introduced them to other species, with cattle of course being favored.

They are as intelligent as most humans and are pack centric, but their mom was not with a pack, meaning she was kicked out by the alpha female for having pups, and that was likely the cause of her demise, or best Tzebra could figure.

This family is their pack, and they are hardwired loyal to it. Which is why they are guarding the research facility- guarding the recovering female alpha inside.’

‘How is she doing,’ Zaria asked, with concern.

‘The doctors said the integration was accepted and complete, but she needs to rest and build her strength back up.’

‘The boys don’t allow any but the doctors to enter, while she is in there,’ Poppy stated.

‘Yeah, Bandura got put into the dirt attempting it,’ Francis said, causing several to chuckle.

‘Where are they,’ Zaria asked, still gently holding Zaria, for her comfort.

‘Bandura said you were inbound with guests, so they are making sure we have more than enough for everyone,’ Poppy said. ‘There are rooms inside for you, and they should be back later on. The master chef is already preparing a large meal for everyone. One of the doctors will come over to eat with us, and plates back for Tzebra and Lilia.’

‘Is it true she is an android,’ Sunny asked, with surprise.

‘No, she is a human cyborg, and that raises another item. Us ladies need to get together for a serious chat,’ Francis said with a hint of a smile.

This produced several knowing smiles in return.

After Effects
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Sunny was awed by the modern rustic fusion of the stable, along with the horses, resting in their pens. That was until the boys appeared at its opening; one stalking inside to stand next to the ladies, while its brother remained at the entrance.

‘Evening everyone, I don’t believe we have had the pleasure,’ Tzebra said, as both he and Lilia entered.

‘Don’t anyone move,’ Zaria said as she turned to bow to the Ling Lang before her, then to Tzebra and Lilia. ‘Sir, it is my honor to present Ms. Sunny Chase and Terra Richmond, sanctioned Imperial bounty hunters, and reapers.’ Zaria turned to Sunny and Terra. ‘Ladies, my I introduce you to Imperial Patron’s Tzafrir ibn Ebrahim or Tzebra for short, and his wife and mother-to-be, Mrs. Lilia Frost.’

‘A patron,’ Sunny said, beaming with delight, as both she and Terra bowed.

Tzebra and Lilia walked at a measured pace up to Terra. ‘Understand my sons gave you a bit of fright,’ he said, rubbing the fur of the one before them. ‘They’re just big of chowhounds. Don’t fret too much about them. In time you will become used to them, or a snack.’

Lilia cast Tzebra a scolding look as Zaria smiled. ‘Sometimes he amuses himself in unusual ways,’ Lilia stated. ‘Contrary,’ Zaria corrected, bringing a smile to Lilia’s lattice.

Terra stared as the boy turned his head to look at Sunny, who was studying Lilia. ‘Wow, a real pregnant cyborg. How is that even possible?’

‘Wow,’ Zaria commented, as Lilia looked at Sunny, her cybernetic iris contracting.

‘Straight to it,’ Tzebra said as his eye fixed.

Lilia studied Sunny for a moment. ‘The functionality of your query is human, with technological assistance. Incorporation required a physiological demand, which was beyond your natural requirements. Now that the process is complete, normalcy is being established. Remaining processes and progression should be within the norms of what such an event would be for yourself.’

‘Amazing,’ Sunny stated with eager excitement. ‘Do you think you will experience any of the weird after effects, like unusual diets?’

‘Unknown at this time. A nutritional regime has been prepared by the attending physicians. If such manifest itself, allowances for incorporation may be within the boundaries of their instructions.’

‘Whom have you been introduced to,’ Tzebra stated, casting a glance to Zaria.

‘I find this one fascinating,’ Lilia said, as her cybernetic iris fluctuated.

‘There are other considerations,’ Tzebra said with a softness. ‘If you have a requirement, you only have to speak it.’

‘Francis and Poppy were present, but formal introductions were interrupted by a distraction,’ Zaria said with a smirk, nodding to the Ling Lang next to Lilia and Tzebra.

‘Let us rectify that,’ Tzebra said, patting his Ling Lang. ‘Be so kind and escort Terra.’

Terra’s eyes widened at that, as Lilia’s lattice formed a smile.


Tobias was sitting on the front porch as Tzebra and Lilia approached with one of the boys.
‘You have recently experienced several physiological episodes, are you alright,’ Lilia asked, as Tobias smiled weakly.

‘You went up didn’t you,’ Tzebra asked.

Tobias nodded, wiping his brow with a piece of cloth as Sunny moved up onto the porch, placing her cool hand on his forehead.

‘He’s a little warm,’ she said, lowering herself to look closely at him.

Tzebra activated his wrist communicator. ‘Could one of you doctors come to the front porch with some anti-nausea medications for Tobias, and give him a checkup while you’re here?’

‘Will be there shortly,’ responded doctor Talman. ‘How is Ms. Lilia doing?’

‘Well, but Tobias is having a bit of space sickness at the moment.’

‘What possessed you to go up there?’ Tzebra asked.

‘Had to make sure the pantries were stocked full, for all the guests we have.

‘Horse droppings! There are plenty of others around, and you could have called me too. I could have taken the dang Cutter up there and loaded it with enough for every homestead on this side of the planet. Hell, you already have my android master chef. I would have stripped all the stores from the ship. There are tons of it.’

‘Ms. Lilia needed you more,’ Tobias said with a cough.

‘She was doing fine as she was,’ Tzebra said in a scolding tone. ‘You ain’t doing this nonsense again.’

Tzebra opened the front door to the main house and yelled. ‘I don’t care who is doing what, I need everyone’s ass out here, and that is right now!’

No Other Way
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

All the men retired to the front porch, with the android master chef providing them with coffee. The Ling Langs had moved towards the arena, snacking on some form of animal they had caught nearby.

‘Are they not going to join us,’ Aarav asked, peering back through the front door, watching all of the ladies sitting around the dinner table, chatting with one another.

‘They are planning for the wedding,’ Mauzipah stated, taking a cigar offered by Jorgan.

Aarav’s laughter turned everyone’s head.

‘I remember the shuttle I took, always ran into those wedding barges, with all the celebratory ships surrounding them, being a nuisance to navigation.’

‘You have an idea where you want it,’ Tobias asked Tzebra.

Tzebra lit his cigar, looking out towards the darkening skies. ‘Let them decide on what they want, and use it as a base to build on. There won’t be any barges in space, or flocks of ships to block anything, that much I am certain on.’

‘Any specific religious belief we should arrange for,’ Jorgan asked, looking over to Tzebra.

Tzebra smiled, taking a puff from his cigar. ‘, In a roundabout way there is, and it will be a unique experience. For that, I do concede, but want to make it a surprise for her.’

Bandura chuckled, looking over at Tobias. ‘Well, if she dresses you out in feathers and makes you dance half-naked around a campfire, I am personally going to share that with everyone in the Empire.’

‘Who said you wouldn’t be right there dancing with me,’ Tzebra said with a laugh, blowing cigar smoke at Bandura.

‘Aside from all the bull you two are shoveling, where are you at on other projects,’ Tobias stated, leaning back.

‘Construction at the new property is underway, and I need to start making a list of capable breeding pairs to transfer. As for here, I was thinking about adding a couple of additional androids to assist in chores, during the transition. Basic things like stable and arena cleanings, along with moving, testing, and monitoring the feed. As for the cook, I already placed an order for another master chef, which is being prepared, so both locations will have one available.’

‘What of doctor Barton,’ Tobias asked.

‘As I had told her, she was free to do as she wanted. She would have a facility there along with the one here. There are several exobiological species available for her to study, along with a host of other projects for her to make a name in the community with. Have had a team of technicians and assistants available, at the Ededleen property, for some time. Waiting for everything to play themselves out before matching everyone up.’

‘Does she know this,’ Tobias asked, tipping back his hat.

‘Small random parts of it. I didn’t want to let the horses out all at once until I was sure where they would run. Now with what is taking place, I will need her close by for the foreseeable future, and if giving her additional projects to make herself famous with is the answer, then I hope she likes being in all the tabloids.’

‘Think a cyborg wife with an artificial womb, carrying their shared human child for the duration, is going to make medical journal headlines on its own.’ Bandura stated, winking at Tzebra.


‘You know those men are scheming out there,’ doctor Barton mentioned, looking towards the front porch.

‘You were central to parts of their conversation doctor,’ Lydia stated, looking over at her.

‘Should I surrender willingly now, or play hard to get for the next kidnapping?’

‘Play hard to get,’ Poppy said, making everyone laugh.

Francis leaned forward onto the table. ‘The humor of it aside, he has large things planned for you doctor. Imagine with all he has his fingers in, it is going to make you a repeating headline in journals, for quite some time.’

‘I have no plans on going anywhere soon,’ doctor Barton said, looking at Lilia’s midsection. ‘If you two will have me, I plan on being around for a very long time, for your child.’

Lilia smiled. ‘We would have it no other way, doctor.’

A Moment
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Tobias finished waving his hat, at the last cow entering the coral. Twenty heads from this property had been selected for the future move to the new property in the Praea Euq GA-A c37 system. The nearby screams, provided the last cow with the incentive to enter with its kin, as every head turned in the direction of the main house.

Ms. Sheyla Simons was in front of the porch, walking in a stumbling erratic fashion, grabbing at the air before her, screaming in terror, as Francis and doctor Barton maneuvered around her, as Lydia raced towards the research facility. Poppy was on the front porch, looking towards Tobias and the men, holding up her hand in a ‘stop’ signal.

Tobias kept his horse's position, watching the events unfold, as Jorgan and Mauzipah rode up to flank him.

‘Keep our distance fellas. Looks like the lady had herself a bad dream,’ Tobias said, as he turned to watch Aarav gallop across the pasture towards them.

‘I know of the things they did to her,’ Mauzipah said with a sad tone. ‘This isn’t the worst.’

Jorgan grunted in acknowledgment as Tobias tipped his hat back. ‘Didn’t suspect that it was. Still, it is a damn shame. Thought we were making good progress with her.’

Aarav came to a halt next to them. ‘What the hell is going on!’

‘Keep with us,’ Jorgan boomed. ‘The doctors have it.’

‘Could hear that on the far side of the near in grazing pasture.’ Aarav said, attempting to catch his breath.

Mauzipah looked over at Tobias. ‘For what it’s worth...that is progress.’

‘I do not understand,’ Aarav said with a curious expression.

‘It means, she is remembering,’ Tobias replied, shifting in his saddle to look back towards the ships on the property landing pads.


Lilia stood with the remaining females in the front room of the house, watching from a respectful distance.

‘What happened to her,’ Sunny asked, with an excitement to her voice, which Lilia noted but made no showing of recognizing.

‘She went through a traumatic experience, that we are helping her with.’

‘Will she be alright,’ Terra asked, looking on with a worried expression.

‘They will get her calmed and in a safe place,’ Saleen stated. ‘Francis is trained in the mental arts, and the two doctors are with her. They will take her to the facility for a while, and allow her to rest and recover.’

‘Where is Tzebra at,’ Emaline asked, looking around.

‘At the landing pad watching. He went to prepare a ship for a transport mission, though this would not escape his notice,’ Lilia said, her head slowly turning to Sunny, before turning to look at Zaria; who nodded in understanding.

‘I will tidy up Sheyla’s room and make sure it is prepared for her return,’ Emaline commented as Lilia’s cybernetic iris expanded. ‘We should each prepare to accept her once more, at that time.’

‘Sheyla was fond of the horses and stables. I need to check their status before the men return. Sunny, would you give me a hand with that,’ Zaria said while looking outside, watching Lydia run up to Francis, passing something to her.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

‘Can she ride,’ Tobias asked, cutting into a piece of meat on his plate, not looking up.

Doctor Barton looked around the table at the curious faces. ‘She is grounded and doing better. Yes, a nice ride could be of benefit. Sheyla has grown a fondness towards the horses.’

‘You two should do so together,’ Francis stated, without looking up from her plate.

‘Oh,’ Poppy let slip, looking around at a few smiles appearing on some of the other female faces.

Tzebra looked up briefly, catching a look from Lilia.

‘When do you want to begin moving them,’ Jorgan asked, referencing the separated cattle.

Tzebra smiled at a staring Lilia for a moment, before turning his attention towards Jorgan.

‘Want to lean them out a little first, to make the transition to a different gravity easier. The facilities have been erected and power connected. Will take the Biomorph twins on the first move, and have them begin their clearing patrols. The boys will remain here.’

‘Biomorph twins,’ Jorgan asked, several heads looking towards Tzebra.

‘Imagine that, you have a secret,’ Poppy said with a snarky tone.

Lilia looked over at Jorgan. ‘He had a pair of Xihe Biomorphic Companions created. Replicants of his boys for use on his distant travels. He plans on having them perform the same function at the new property as the boys do here.’

‘There’s more of them?’ Terra asked as her eyes widened.

‘Yes,’ Lilia replied, a devious smile forming on her lattice.

‘Keep’em locked away from the boys. The last dang thing we need is a pack of overgrown chowhounds tearing into one another,’ Tobias said, looking up from his plate at Tzebra. ‘Really son. You and your pets. The next strays you bring will probably be Thargoids. Be danged if I feed those nasty roaches.’

That produced chuckles around the table.

‘Not exactly roaches, but they do like biowaste containers,’ Tzebra popped off as both Francis and Poppy glared at him.

‘Appears I have missed something,’ Lilia said, continuing to stare at Tzebra.

‘A couple of years ago, your man decided to front a Thargoid interceptor with a Dolphin-class ship. Of course, he made it mad, then decided to boost towards it versus running. He dumped 16 tons of biowaste containers into its face, before jumping out of the system. Later he visited one of their planetary sites, biowaste bombing it.’

The lens of Lilia’s cybernetic eye expanded and contracted several times. ‘Imagine you are a shoot on sight for their species?’

‘No,’ Tzebra said with a straight face. ‘That came after I filled one of their nursery tunnels with Guardian urns.’

‘Contrary,’ Tobias said, as he re-arranged the food on his plate.


After dinner, the group retired to their usual spots out on the front porch, except Lilia and Zaria, who remained behind.

Zaria looked over her shoulder towards the front door. ‘She was strong enough to move several bales of straw, for bedding in the horse’s pens. Her enthusiasm is good, though her lack of fear can present a challenge. She has intelligence, with a good sense of perception.’

‘Incorporating fear and building on its uses can be developed,’ Lilia stated flatly, watching as Sunny chatted with others on the front porch.

‘Recommendations for approach?’

‘Take her on a solo project and gauge her reaction. That result will form a baseline to work from. If she is amiable you can ask directly, else we can discover in other ways.’

Zaria nodded, motioning towards the porch. ‘Let’s not keep them waiting, lest we incur questions we would rather not answer.’

One is enough
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Tzebra stood on the front porch, sipping his coffee while watching Sheyla and Tobias trot on horseback across the pasture. Zaria and Sunny had departed at dawn, off to who knew where. Tzebra smirked, turning his eyes towards the empty landing pad. Lilia had mentioned Sunny’s potential towards the path Zaria had taken, and she was correct in her instructors to give her a live field test.

Lydia had shown consistent promise during her time at the research facility, as Tzebra contemplated her possible path following that of Arabella’s. A promising research technician, sent away to learn more and gain every certificate and license she could grasp.

Tzebra smiled at how many were developing themselves, to become more than what they were. There were a few whose shells had yet to crack, but each in their own time. Terra’s time would come soon enough, and Aarav had mentioned in the past, that he wouldn’t mind obtaining some of the licenses Saleen had obtained.

The female voices within, drew his attention towards the front room of the house, as he turned to cast a glance through the front window, noticing their relaxed lounging, with the usual banter. Lilia looked back at him, a smile on her lattice. Poppy had taken notice of their looking towards one another, a devious smile appearing on her face.

How she had grown from a scared girl into a powerful woman. A match for Francis in several regards. Between Francis, Emaline, and all of the instructors in between, she had learned how to become a force of her own, from a simple day in the saddle, up through Imperial socialite functions. Soon she would be bestowed with another gift, one which was far too long in coming.

‘What the hell are you smiling about,’ rang out Bandura’s voice, as he stepped up onto the porch.

Tzebra nodded towards the window, as Bandura looked at the ladies.

‘Straight up pain in the ass if you ask me.’ Bandura said with a comical tone. ‘Imagine anything they have to say about either one of us, wouldn't be to our benefit.’

Tzebra chuckled at that, noting how he was usually right in his assessments of such matters.

‘What is your take on Aarav and Terra?’

‘Terra is skittish, and Aarav’s youthful attitude may need a peg lowering. What do you have in mind?’

Tzebra smiled, turning to look at the distant Imperial Cutter. ‘There is a storm system brewing off the distant coast. Perhaps a closer inspection is required?’


‘Talking about me again,’ doctor Barton asked with an amusing tone.

Poppy looked over at Lilia, who had turned to look at Terra. ‘You are their subject of choice.’

A surprised Terra looked around the room at the other ladies. ‘How am I their topic?’

‘Would appear you and Aarav have an appointment with a storm on this planet.’ Lilia stated, her cybernetic iris narrowing. ‘Probability is high that you two will receive flight training.’

‘I already know how to fly,’ Terra stated, looking towards the window.

‘Not like what they have in mind,’ Saleen said, looking towards Terra with a smile.

‘Can we get a couple of light anti-nausea medications for them,’ Poppy asked doctor Barton.

‘Maybe for Aarav. I have been twirled around before and do alright,’ Terra said boastfully.

Francis looked at Lilia, then to doctor Barton. ‘Well then, perhaps one should be enough.’

Lilia analyzed Terra briefly. ‘Yes, one for this lesson.’