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Depths Of Development Pt 7

Zhen Dock
Xihe system

Doctor Barton sat with Lilia in the plush luxury suite, onboard the newest ship, christened the Solua Obscura. A synth rose painted Imperial Cutter, with close to a billion credits in engineering. The Imperial Clipper—which bore the original name—had been re-titled under a simple number designation, and ferried to a remote orbital station, over 200 light-years distant.

Several android assistants, were present throughout the ship, taking care of day-to-day affairs. Two had been programmed with botanical knowledge and maintained a large cargo bay, re-purposed as a botanical garden, complete with a shielded fountain, to prevent the water from escaping. Within the garden the Ling Lang twins made their home, enjoying the space to run about and explore.

‘How is everyone doing?’ Tzebra asked, walking in.

Lilia’s lattice moved into a smile. ‘Incorporation has been accepted.’

Doctor Barton nodded. ‘She is doing well. Her expected recovery remains at the six weeks I had mentioned before.’

‘Are there any location or flight restrictions that need to be followed?’

‘I would avoid any unnecessary increases in gravity and sudden motions, but not much else otherwise.’

Tzebra nodded, activating his wrist communicator, informing the androids on the bridge of the requirements they are to adhere to.

‘Lilia told me something interesting.’ Doctor Barton said, looking at Tzebra from the corner of her eye.

He smiled. ‘Do tell.’

‘That little lump in my neck was not an explosive. You played me.’

Tzebra shrugged. ‘Situational necessity.’

Lilia was trying not to laugh, as Tzebra walked up to her bedside.

‘The resort offer still stands. It is yours.’

‘Not until she is fully recovered. Besides, I am curious. What would you have done had I not agreed?’

‘Honestly. I would have put you into a suite onboard the last station, and kept you asleep until we departed. After that—when you wake—you would have had more credits and a get-well card.’

‘And if I notified the authorities?’

Tzebra laughed. ‘Xihe is an independent anarchy system. No one would have cared. By the time you made it back to Imperial space. No one would have cared there either. A little hard to prove when there is no evidence, and you have a few million credits extra in your account. That would look more like an attempt at extortion.’

‘What of those at the ranch? Would everyone there be so willing to cover your deeds?’

Tzebra smiled. ‘What did anyone see exactly? There is no evidence of any foul play. You are not there the next morning. You have millions in new credits, and you turn up to the authorities with a wild tale that no one can collaborate. The only difference is you have added more to the potential extortion list.’

‘And of your deeds in the Pegasi unto now?’

‘I neutralized pirates, rescued captives, and obtained a means for their legal employment. They were cared for, fed, clothed, and housed. Even had new facilities built. As expected, one attempted to extort.’

‘You would look the fool for trusting, and I would appear as the obvious. Having been rescued from there.’

‘Yes. You would have been imprisoned, but not executed. Since myself and others would have been the victims, I could invoke Patron privilege for a stay of execution, then would request that your sentence be indentured servitude under my employee, anyways, for the remainder of your sentence.'

Tzebra smiled, looking at Lilia.

‘The ultimate outcome would have been the same. You with your science.’

Tzebra turned his head to look at doctor Barton.

‘Yes doctor, I do understand that you care about the science and not what others do with it. None of us can control that. We can influence events though, and attempt to pull one another from the muck and mire of the hubris of others’ nefarious desires, which could hinder our individual growth.’

Doctor Barton shook her head while smiling. ‘I had said it before, you are psychotic.’

Lilia’s lattice continued to form a smile. ‘Actually, he isn’t. He always had plans...for all of us. For you. Your knowledge and assistance were always required. After you would have a new facility to continue your research and push the limits of science while enjoying your new life.’

‘His plans for me, are in lock-step with what we both wanted with each other. Here I lay, healing, with hope for a new future.’

Tzebra looked at Lilia with a smile, before turning his attention back to doctor Barton.

‘Lydia is exploring a recent healthcare passion. Saleen is increasing her marketable pilot skills, and garnishing an amazing array of endorsements. Zaria is becoming a hunter and learning independence. Everyone is winning in the end. No zero sums in this game.’

‘Speaking of Patron. How long can you two remain gone until they come looking for you?’

Tzebra shrugged. ‘They won’t, and it is just a title that really doesn’t matter, except to the senator over the area. As long as the ranch keeps producing income, what do they care?’

‘Since no one will come looking for you, what about you two? Where will you go?’

Tzebra looked at Lilia.

‘I thought of my home planet if Lilia is accepting. If not, there are other properties, and if a new one is required, land prices are cheap. Perhaps in an independent system. Whatever she wants for our family's future.’

‘What of the family you will be leaving behind?’

‘Not left behind but expanding. Wherever it may be, any are free to visit or stay, as their hearts desire.’

Doctor Barton had to laugh at that.

‘Here I was, all set to remain seriously mad about all you have done, and all you are doing makes that impossible.’

Tzebra and Lilia looked at one another, smiling.

Planet 4
Praea Euq GA-A c37 system

She had long since stopped the attempt at remembering the names of the systems they had passed through, over the last couple of weeks. The passage of time itself was itself a blur, never-mind attempting to recount where they were at. Tzebra himself kept a schedule that was dizzying in itself. Focusing on her patient’s recovery became her primary focus, if for no other reason than to keep her sanity.

Lilia herself found it amusingly difficult to follow his schedule; even with her cybernetic implants. Her quarries were met with sly smiles, only for him to rush off with an arm full of data tablets, or with one or more of the android assistants. The plot thickened when she began to take short walks, during her recovery. Doctor Barton and herself caught the tail-end of what would turn out to be, one of several secretive holographic communique.

All came to a sudden head one morning, as Lilia walked out to the common area with doctor Barton. Before them, through the large viewing window, was a majestic-looking world, with brief flashes of lightning at one end, and a colorful prismatic display of charged particles in the atmosphere, at the other. The blue of the waters, below, and lush landmasses, was a sight to behold.

‘What do you two think?’ Tzebra said, startling them both.

‘Damn sneaky husband of mine,’ Lilia quipped with a sly grin.

Doctor Barton watched the planet spinning below. ‘A pretty planet. Which one is it?’

Tzebra walked in front of the two, standing before the view, posing akin to a ship sales representative.

‘Home, if you like. I have secured a pristine location for a homestead, and have an outfit primed and ready to head out and begin construction.’

Lilia stepped forward slowly, as Tzebra moved forward to aid her, outstretching his free arm, to point at the planet before them.

‘It is the fourth planet in the Praea Euq GA-A c37 system. 1.64 gravity, with a little lower atmospheric pressure. The ambient temperature is a little higher than earth at 296 kelvin versus 288, but that only means milder winters for the land I had surveyed.’

Doctor Barton laughed. ‘You are going to start another ranch?’

‘Why not,’ Tzebra smiled.

‘How far out are you from the nearest habitable system?’

‘You briefly met Emaline Lucas. The faction she works for is only 75 light-years away. Between here and there are several systems with pristine rings, which means people will want something more to eat than what the standard food printers can offer. Additionally, the main property in Orang is only 221 light-years, with the property in the Ededleen system being closer at 191 light-years. Drawing a straight line from there to the Musca.’

Lilia laughed, as doctor Barton looked on confused.

‘The Musca Dark Region and the Coalsack Dark Nebula used to be your playing grounds. You performed a lot of useful science out there.’

Tzebra smiled.

‘That was a more peaceful time, and will be soon again.’

‘I thought those aliens were in that area?’ Doctor Barton asked.

‘That and much more.’ Tzebra said his smile broadening.

Lilia pulled him in closer. ‘Don’t let his bedtime ghost stories scare you, doctor.’

‘I’m not following,’ doctor Barton commented.

‘The property is perfectly situated to offer a needed service while maintaining a safe harbor for those who need it.’

Lilia’s cybernetic iris opened, fixed on the planet below. ‘Also a great place to start a family.’

Tzebra turned to look at the doctor. ‘Is she able to handle an increase in gravity?’

‘She should be able to, yes. I would keep it limited though.’

‘What say we all take a field trip tomorrow, and you both can give me your answer then.’

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

‘That sneaky ass, I should have known better. He sandbagged me.’ Francis commented at the dinner table, as everyone stopped eating to look at her.

‘I apologize,’ Francis said as she looked around at everyone looking at her.

Tobias motioned with his fork. ‘You opened the gate, go ahead and let it out.’

‘He had his Clipper ferried a couple of hundred light-years distant, from his actual location. In the middle of this move, he had other ships around the area ferried, to other locations as well.’

‘A shell game,’ Poppy said with a chuckle.

‘Essentially yes, with a lot of shells. While all of this is moving around, he had a second Imperial Cutter kitted out and waiting, for when Lilia came out of surgery; whisking him and everyone else away.’

‘Is she alright?’ Jorgan asked from across the table.

‘By all accounts, she did very well. Doctor Barton went with them.’

‘Where were they headed?’ Tobias queried.

‘Now that everything is back-tracked. They stopped in the Xihe system long enough to exchange ships, and the shell game began in earnest. From there he ended up near Emaline Lucas and her group.’

‘At least he is close to someone friendly. We can ask if she could drop by and make sure they are doing well.’

‘You are not too far off the mark,’ Francis said, leaning forward on the table.

‘Turns out the same group we hired to do the work here, are doing work out there for him.’

‘A science facility?’ Poppy asked, as Saleen, Aarav, and Lydia looked at her with curious expressions.

‘He did a lot of xenobiological work out there, a few years prior. Primarily on fungal crops of the ancient Guardian species.’

Francis sighed, then smiled. ‘Facilities, yes.’

‘I see.’ Tobias said, leaning back in his chair with a smile appearing on his old face.

Once more the newer personnel looked on with a curious expression.

‘It is plural. It means he is building a home.’ Poppy said, a large smile appearing on her face.

'I'm not following? Aarav asked, looking around the table.

'It means they found a place to settle down with one another,' Tobias said, as he leaned back forward to inspect the food on his plate.

Aarav still looked confused, as Saleen laughed. 'It means there is going to be a wedding, you goof.'

Planet 4
Praea Euq GA-A c37 system

Both ladies noticed there were already markers on the ground, defining the planned borders of the facilities.

The weather was temperate and pleasant, with low rolling prairie, spotted with the odd tree. A visible stream a few hundred meters distant, and a capped mountain range on the horizon. It was beautiful and serene. Dotted around the area where they stood were border markers, defining the areas of planned development.

‘Before you go through with this. I need to see your data,’ doctor Barton commented, kneeling to look at the grass.

‘One of the android assistants has already prepared a complete brief for you. In two rotations a group will arrive, to double-check my findings. They should be here no more than a week. I had planned on having all of their raw data sent to you as well.’

‘In a nutshell, your assessment is?’

‘The oxygen content is a touch higher, as you can see from the physical dimensions of the surrounding flora. The micro and macronutrient counts are a few percentages above the norm. The insect population is within the norm, with no known hazards being as yet presented. The water has been tested, with a healthy mixing of mineral composition and no unusual contaminants. A couple of local animals were culled, and have gone through a complete examination. No parasites, diseases, or other abnormalities have been discovered. This environment has produced a healthier source of animal protein than the properties in Orang and Ededleen.’

‘What scale?’

‘A week of subjective time. Have been sending down androids for collection and analysis purposes. I came down a few days prior, for culling and examination. I brought the subjects back aboard, and have them in cold storage. Thought of having the android master chef prepare one after you have had a chance to perform your examination.’

Lilia’s cybernetic iris expanded and contracted several times.

‘Your operational tempo has been rather high. Your body is experiencing significant fatigue. You will need to rest soon.’

Tzebra looked at her, smiling. ‘We have two rotations before the first crew arrives. Thought about a slow flight around the system, to check out the neighboring scenery.’

‘It would be nice to get some samples from the surrounding locale, for analysis,’ doctor Barton remarked, as Lilia’s iris narrowed; Tzebra failing to suppress a laugh.

Praea Euq GA-A c37 system

Lilia knew she was fighting a losing battle as Tzebra finished decontamination procedures. In the container with him was yet another new sample of alien flora, having been discovered.

‘What is the count,’ Lilia asked; both her human and cybernetic eye, instinctively rolling.

The android assistant paused briefly, accessing recent information.

‘Today he has documented 9 unique species, seven unique variants, six unique genus encountered, and added five first planetary footsteps to his total.’

Doctor Barton monitored the medical readouts, nodding.

‘He isn’t going to make my journey boring I can see.’

‘If he keeps going like this, you will have two patients in recovery.’

‘Ms. Lilia is correct,’ the android assistant replied.

‘I could tell him, but he won’t listen to me,’ doctor Barton replied, continuing to monitor the scanner’s readouts.

‘Based upon current historical data, his capacity for obeying orders has rated a negative percentile.’

Lilia glared through the chamber's window at Tzebra, who was changing into his flight suit.

‘That is your last expedition on this tour. You will rest. Comply.’

Doctor Barton’s eyes went wide, forcing herself to maintain her focus on the scanner.

‘I am registering an increase in adrenaline doctor.’

Tzebra exited the chamber, smiling at Lilia. ‘Yes, dear.’


Tzebra held up his hands, winking at Lilia. 'I surrender.'

'Would you care for a refreshment,' the android asked.

'Sure. A meal would be nice; if the ladies are of agreeable disposition.'

The android turned towards Lilia and doctor Barton, who had not looked away from the scanner.

'Your preferences please,' the android asked, as Lilia continued to glare at a smiling Tzebra.

HIP 63835

Doctor Barton’s time subjective morning, raised the hairs on her neck. Walking into the common area she stared in amazement at the black hole beyond. She had never seen one in person before, and now there were three.

Lilia was seated, as Tzebra walked over, dressed only in a robe, three tubes of coffee in his hands.

‘A nice place to relax,’ he said, wearing a large smile.

‘That doesn’t concern you?’ Doctor Barton said in an exasperated tone, pointing at the viewing window.

‘Not near enough to be a concern.’ Tzebra replied, offering a tube.

Doctor Barton took the offered tube, as Tzebra walked over to sit next to Lilia.

‘An impressive spectacle, and a lesson in one package. Voracious consuming of everything, fattening itself on all that surrounds it, eating itself to death. Greed, lust, envy, gluttony, and revenge. All in a self-defeating package. The ultimate cautionary tale.’

‘You should have been a philosopher,’ doctor Barton quipped, staring at the gravitational lensing.

Tzebra laughed.

‘I wouldn’t have been very good at it. Too aware of my hubris.’

‘I would beg to differ.’

Tzebra looked at Lilia, who smiled at him.

‘Honesty is the first casualty of any war doctor, including the war with oneself.’ Tzebra stated, taking a sip of coffee from the tube. ‘When one consigns themselves to a path. Working to foster a better future for those who will never know. The philosophical perishes for truth.’

‘And that is not philosophical,’ doctor Barton smiled, turning towards him.

‘Not as you would define it, no. You would see it as a textbook study of the fundamental questioning of the existence, reasoning, values, or knowledge of things. When the truth of a matter is known, and the path is set, second-guessing becomes the dishonest hubris which mires one's intent.’

Tzebra looked again towards Lilia.

‘The path was paved long those before me. It will be continued by that which follows. All else is like the gravitational lensing outside, malleable.’

Concerns, Sheyla, and Zaria
Planet 4
Praea Euq GA-A c37 system

Tzebra sat sipping on a tube of coffee, with his robe loosely tied around him. The storm outside had forced the Pinnacle Corporation personnel, to shelter within their ships.

He listened to the impacts of the hail, impacting against the reactive armored hide of the Imperial Cutter; a smirk on his face. Whilst they could do no damage to this ship itself, the velocity of their strikes was impressive, at 1.64 gravity

Doctor Barton watched in amazement, as the limbs of several trees snapped, from the 10 centimeter balls of ice, raining down from above.

‘The current events are being fueled by low-pressure cyclonic action, far out to the western coastal areas. Based on the data from the ship's sensors, this storm should pass within the hour. Expect on and off rains for the next few days,’ the android assistant notated.

‘Have you had a chance to look over the data prepared for you,’ Tzebra asked, as doctor Barton watched the tempest outside.

‘Found a small alpha-variance error...nothing major. I will know more once I have a chance to contrast and compare it with Pinnacle’s work. If this place gives them a chance to complete it.’

‘Speaking of completions. How is everything progressing?’

Doctor Barton noticed that the hail had stopped, but the rains had increased.

‘Recovery is going better than initial predictions. Unlike some that I know, she follows a doctor’s orders.’

Tzebra sipped on his coffee tube, a look of concern on his face.

‘More worried about her recovery here. I know she is tough and resilient, and cybernetics help her tremendously. But she was not raised in harsher conditions, and I worry about longevity and endurance, especially with what we have planned.’

‘Physiologically the increase in gravity is slight enough to be adaptable, without too much concern. The consistent high humidity and temperatures could be an issue. I would limit her direct exposure to better monitor how she will adjust. These storms though could be an issue.’

Tzebra nodded. ‘The increased cyclonic cycles and slower rotational periods, generate a minor concern, that can be mitigated through proper designing. Inside a controlled and safe environment is one thing, to be trapped there due to inability to adapt, is not acceptable.’

‘Can she adapt? Yes. Will it be safe for her too, can only be answered in time and through the limited exposure, I had mentioned. Should you scrap this idea and gallivant the universe looking for another place, is the question you are circling. I wouldn’t, not at this stage.’

Tzebra sipped more on his tube of coffee, his eyes fixed forward in deep thought.

‘Worrying this much won’t give you more gray hairs if that is what you are after. Besides, you are supposed to be resting. That means mental as well as physical; in case you needed the hint.’

‘Talking about me I hear,’ Lilia said, walking carefully into the common area.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Doctor Talman gave prior councilwoman Sheyla Simon a clean bill of physical health, though her mental well-being was concerning. Randomly she would pause without warning, staring into an unknown distance, lost in whatever thoughts her experiences had burned into her synapse. Francis kept herself respectfully close, planning random moments to appear and engage in small talk.

She wandered the surrounding property, pausing periodically to look around, a blank stare in her eyes. Tobias had noticed her walking into the stable, standing and looking at the horses in silence, before exiting to walk in random directions, repeating the process.

Sheyla’s evening meals were at the main house with the family. Francis and Tobias both thought it would be healthy for her to incorporate with the family. It was with hopes she would come to understand there were people near, who were there for her.

Overall it was not a surprise that Mauzipah would become the most instrumental in this affair. His past—serving with a pirate organization—provided him with a more empathetic understanding.

Poppy was thankful her dad and step-mom to be, were not present during this delicate time; considering the not-so-good history, Sheyla had with them.

Tobias's opinion on the matter was contrary, believing he needed to be informed as to her status. As he later pointed out to Francis and Poppy. ‘The opportunity presented itself, to exact revenge, instead choosing to have every effort exhausted; with hopes of saving her.'

Yarovy Biochemical Lab
Hip 104124 system

Yet another wonderful planetary bandit-owned facility. My first real solo mission was aimed at an offender who had mixed themselves into the ranks of the condemned. I say that for the simple reason that the majority in this type of organization, do not have to worry about their elder years, as that future does not exist.

The crime of the one, whose body lay at my feet, was one of stupidity. While scamming a person for material or monetary gains is a crime, scamming them for information is not. Well, it is not, depending on who the other party was. In this situation, the other party was a relative of one in the halls of Imperial politics, in the homeworld of the Empire itself.

I do admit to being impressed with their facility being next to active thermal vents. Using the boiling waters it spewed forth for additional power generation and heating of their working environments, on this cold ball of a planet. This natural function would also be of aid to me, in completing the contract.

The order was for a ‘health and welfare reassessment,’ of an individual, however, the facility in-mass was owned, operated, and staffed with their personnel. They would have bounties, which would be of personal benefit, along with anything of theirs I found of use.

The customer, as they were called, would receive a bonus with this order. Along with DNA and recorded confirmation of their order, I was sending next of kin records I had obtained, from the facilities' data-banks; before wiping them. That could have its own future benefits.

My final act here would be in putting the nearby thermal vent to good use. Its boiling waters would provide it with a nice cleansing bath; it wouldn’t look good to go and pick up Bandura, in a dirty ship.