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Depths Of Development Pt 6

In orbit above the planetary rings
Kondonner C 3 / Class I gas giant
Kondonner system

Bandura guffawed over the recent events. ‘We have been asked to help find the idiot and his fiance.’
Zaria closed her eyes. ‘Why would I want to stick myself in their affair? Better to let them pursue their mutual course. Not anyone’s place to be in their business. I think those two have made that point clear.’

‘Looks like they have reached out to Casandra too.’

Zaria leaned her head back. ‘Well, if I see them, I will say hello. I am not going out of my way to look for them. Best I can do. They don’t like it, tough noodles.’

Bandura had a good laugh. ‘Francis should know better, Poppy too. They don’t want us in their business. Let them be.’

Bandura leaned back, looking at the monitor. ‘Still. That fight was fun to watch.’

Zaria began snoring.

—Without their knowing it, Casandra arrived at the same conclusion.

Hasse Holdings
G 140-9 B 1 (Planetary)
G 140-9 system

Lilia touched the air in front of her; the face before her vanished as the holographic communications screen closed. She turned and nodded at Tzebra; the shadow of their ship descended—from its orbital perch—towards the illumination of the planetary outpost below.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Lydia focused intently, looking at her data tablet's screen.

‘When we were shuttling around doctor Barton, we would make frequent ship changes. He had hulls scattered in the most random of places. Each of those was medium to large builds, so I narrowed my search results towards those frames, in the companies asset listings.’

‘What did you find?’ Poppy asked, with a whimsical smirk on her face.

‘Some of the ships we used are not listed. I flew them—they exist—how can they not?’

‘I would guess he already sold the others.’ Mauzipah commented, drawing a smile from Francis and Poppy.

‘Wouldn’t that show on the company's balance sheet? There is nothing.’ Lydia said, pointing at the screen.

‘There never will be.’ Francis snorted. ‘Not everything requires an account.’

‘You are talking of companies named as a person, aren’t you?’

‘No. There is more than one way to legally hide whatever you choose, in plain sight. Credits are the open currency of choice, but not the only means of funding. Look at any market and it will list what commodities, metals, minerals, technologies, etc. Are of importance. If you have what is valuable—in quantity—squirreled away for a rainy day, how do you track that, when you keep the proceeds as on-hand liquid capital while depositing nothing?’

‘Same way he purchased and engineered the Imperial Clipper. It was never listed, as funding for it came from resources that could not be tracked, as there was no account.’

‘Then how do we find them?’

‘Time.’ Poppy said, with Francis looking towards her, smiling.

‘Exactly. We wait. Allow the dust to settle.’

Moving Forward
Hasse Holdings
G 140-9 B 1 (Planetary)
G 140-9 system

Tzebra and Lilia went over the data with the primary surgeon. The procedure he assured, was rather a straightforward concept, with the only variables being that of the cybernetic system's acceptance, of the new biological entity. For that, a geneticist would be part of the team. This was a function ideally suited to doctor Barton, who specialized in several fields, including the two currently being discussed. With her not being a part of the procedure, allowances had to be made, which included an increase in people who specialized in the required disciplines.

Fortunately, the G 140-9 system contained all personnel, technologies, and facilities required. The artificial womb was provided by the Rangarajan Laboratory, with the geneticist coming from Parnenzini Genetics. The chief surgeon was from Mystic Valley Surgery—where the procedure would take place. Initial recovery would be at their facility, with follow on recuperation at the local Tuvey Tourist Lodge.

Both Tzebra and Lilia would have preferred it to be back at the main property in the Orang system, but the law of unattended consequences—also known as Murphy’s Law—negated that luxury. Tzebra was under no illusions. The wreckage necessitating his actions, to salvage what he could, was by his own hand. Lilia found the events to be more whimsical than serious, but then they were both having a chance of what they wanted with one another. Tzebra for a brief moment wondered if the cost was worth the price. Looking at Lilia, the question answered itself. Yes.

Tzebra’s data tablet vibrated, as he removed it from his suit's side pocket, tapping its screen. His ship order had been confirmed and would be delivered during the current planetary cycle. There would be little time for rest this evening, as each item engineered into its design would be double-checked before he would sign off on its acceptance. The tonnage of Alexandrite and Musgravite dedicated to its purchase and design was enough to purchase several ships in its class.

Lilia looked over, reading the information. Looking up she met his eyes. Both nodded and smiled.

Earth's Inheritance Wildlife Reserve
4A (Planetary)
LP 339-7 system

Tzebra had spent the next day resting, after his and Lilia’s meetings with the various specialist. The arrival of the newest ship required a full evening of careful inspection, insuring its engineered modules were to the required specifications. With their future in his hands, he was leaving nothing to chance. Everything would be exact or be denied. Nothing would be allowed, either by man or machine, which could potentially jeopardize, their chances of success.

Both needed a chance to catch their breaths, and unwind. Towards that Tzebra had planned a schedule full of wonders and a few adrenaline rushes, starting with a proper 631 meter a second canyon run, in the nearby Utu system. The canyons on the planet Utu AB 1A, were perfect for widening both of their eyes, as the Imperial Clipper boosted its way through, rising above akin to a phoenix rising from the ashes, leaving a fiery trail from its engine's exhaust, in its wake.

The evening's meal, if it could be considered as such, was at a beautiful yet quaint restaurant at the Houtman City station in the Aeternitas system. Its orbit kept it at 10 seconds from the system's main star, which continually bathed it in its rays. Towards that, the night never truly came, leaving the circadian rhythms of those unaccustomed to it, in flux.

The following day was spent touring the Earth's Inheritance Wildlife Reserve in the LP 339-7 system. With a move out of character for both, Tzebra purchased a shirt for both him and Lilia. The image of an old Earth bird was blazed across the back, with the wildlife reserves logo on its breast pocket. Both wore it over the top of their flight suits, finding both sport and humor in the act.

That evening they orbited the same planet, sitting to enjoy the views of the nature habitats below, both wondering when they would get a chance to get back to real nature. Out on the plains, and through the wooded areas. To enjoy the breeze after a fresh rain, and to hear the sounds of native birds singing, as the first rays crested the horizon.

The chance of a future required a heavy toll. As both looked at the other, each knew the price was worth it. If for no other reason than to have hope.

Research Facility
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Prior Black Omega councilwoman Shelya Simons opened her eyes to see a collection of unfamiliar faces.

'Hello Ms. Simons, I am doctor Barton and this is doctor Talman.'

Her voice and face appeared familiar, but she could not place them. She thought she should be unsettled—by this weird experience—yet she could not develop an emotion towards much of anything. Even her body felt somewhat disconnected as-if she had been injected with one of those weird narcotics from the erotica establishment, back on Clair Dock. Perhaps she was still there & this was all some hallucination?

The man with her was looking at a monitor attached to wherever it was she was laying. ‘Your vital signs are all looking very good, and the injuries you had when sent here, have all been healed,’ He said. Not that what he said mattered, as if she was healed or injured, she was far too numb to notice, or honestly care.

Francis stepped forward. ‘Welcome back Ms. Simon. I am Francis. I am not a physician, but you can consider me more of a friend and ally. I am here to assist, and when you need to talk or advice, I am here.’

What an odd grouping of people. The one calling herself Francis was certainly not Black Omega. They wouldn’t have cared about her well-being, physical, or otherwise. Was this one a contract psych? They had used them in the past, for several various unpleasant tasks. Perhaps? Perhaps she had been sold off? Or perhaps her body had finally been used up enough to where her only worth was that of medical experimentation? She should be terrified, or at the least concerned, but whatever they had put into her, would not allow any emotion beyond the most basic of curiosity.

‘You should be able to slowly regain feeling in your body, as the medications wear off. You will experience tingling in your limbs. This is normal. We have electrode patches attached to you, using small electrical stimulation to prevent muscular atrophy. I ask that you do not remove them until either myself or doctor Talman is present.’

She could neither agree nor disagree with what that female doctor was saying. It was apparent at this point that she had been sold off for experimentation. It would be best to leave her as she was now, but knew they would not. She knew how these things would go, and the fate that awaited her. All she could do now was an attempt to reflect on her expectations of what awaited her, once her body released her spirit.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Lydia sat with the others in the stable, while Tobias braided strips of leather together. The boys were resting in the far corner, across from the horse pens.

‘Ms. Simons is awake,’ Lydia said, looking at her wrist communicator.

‘May not be such a bad thing to have those two off their feed and bolting across the pasture.’ Tobias commented.

Aarav, Lydia, and Saleen looked at one another while Poppy smiled.
‘He means it is for the best that Tzebra and Lilia are not the first people Ms. Simons sees.’

‘Do you think we can find them?’ Saleen asked.

‘Best to let them run themselves out. Easier to lead back to the barn that way.’

Lydia lowered her head. ‘They can stay gone forever, for all I care.’

Poppy looked at Lydia for a moment, turning her gaze towards the open stable doors- the sight of the research facility in view. ‘There are closer issues at hand.’

Tobias looked up from his braiding, as Mauzipah and Jorgan walked into the stable—leader ropes in hand—their horses following.

‘What’s everyone looking so happy about?’ Mauzipah spouted off.

‘They woke Ms. Simons.’ Lydia said in a hushed voice.

‘Oh, joys. How long before our next contestant slips their frame-shift housing?’

Tobias came close to throwing his hat at him. ‘Boy, I’m going to tan your hide with this leather.’

‘What'd I say?’ Mauzipah startled as Jorgan cuffed the back of his head with his hand.

Poppy shook her head. ‘Regardless of his being crass about it. Mauzipah is not entirely wrong either.’

Tobias turned his head to look out the open stable door, towards the research facility.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The boys appear off their feed this evening. Tobias commented.

Francis looked across the arena where they were, noticing their pacing.

‘Something has them agitated.’

Poppy stepped off of the front porch, looking towards the sky above.

‘I sense something, but can’t define it. A weird feeling.’

Lydia checked her data tablet. ‘No adverse weather expected, and the system security status is green.’

Jorgan stepped off the porch, looking across a pasture filled with cows. ‘Looks normal with them.’

Tobias tipped his hat back, watching the Ling Lang twins.

‘Animals don’t get antsy without a reason.’

‘Maybe another animal of some kind?’ Aarav said, looking around at those sited on the porch.

‘Perhaps.’ Francis responded. ‘Best to keep an eye on them.’

Mauzipah looked over to Tobias. ‘We don’t have anything major planned, for a while. I can sit guard in the Scarab recon vehicle tonight. Have a couple of new holographic shows I wanted to watch anyways.’

Jorgan looked back, nodding. ‘Go ahead, but keep the scanners activated, just in case.’

‘Nice.’ Mauzipah said with a smile. ‘Can finally catch up with the series.’

Poppy rolled her eyes. Boys… she thought.

The remainder of the evening was peaceful, with everyone having enjoyed a nice meal, and an informative conversation about the recovering state of Sheyla, who remained in the research facility medical ward, under the observation of doctor Talman. Lydia had taken a plate of food for both of them, unsure of their dietary preferences.


Later that evening doctor Barton woke to a tapping sound, that ceased the moment her eyes opened. Replacing it was a rapid series of pulsating light and the feeling of her head vibrating, as her world turned once more to darkness.

She startled awake, looking around the darkened room. Was that a dream? A low pulsing sound, barely audible. It was not a dream, was it? It couldn’t have been. She lay frozen for a moment, not knowing. The faint feeling of vibration. No, she was not dreaming. If she wasn’t dreaming then where was she? The sheets felt like hers, but she most definitely was not in the habitat connected to her research facility.

A mechanical voice spoke softly from around her. ‘Good morning doctor Barton. We will be arriving at your destination shortly. Please refresh yourself as required. Appropriate clothing has been provided.’

‘Lights!’ she cried, as the room illuminated. An android assistant stood in the corner, observing her.

‘I am programmed to advise you that I am directed to ensure your compliance. Resistance is not recommended.’

‘Where am I?’

‘We are nearing your destination.’

‘What is my destination?’

‘You are to comply. Please be prompt.’

A light illuminated the bathroom at the far end of the room.

The android took one step closer. ‘You are to comply.’

‘I am complying. It takes me a moment to get into motion.’

‘Do you require assistance?’

‘No. I can manage just fine on my own.’

Scuffling across the carpeted floor, doctor Barton shook her head. This is becoming too much. Bossy androids and a kidnapping? I bet anything Tzebra is involved in this latest of my recurring abductions.

Mystic Valley Surgery
G 140-9 system

The android escorted doctor Barton to the exit ramp, where Tzebra was.

‘You are psychotic- you know that?’

Tzebra smirked.

‘Desperate is more like it. Otherwise, I would be inclined to agree. For now, there is too much at stake to honestly care about subjective opinions.’

Doctor Barton squinted at Tzebra.

‘The moment we hit the pad out there, I will notify the authorities.’

Tzebra nodded.

‘You should feel a small lump on the left side of your neck.’

Doctor Barton reached up, indeed feeling a lump.

‘You didn’ did!’

‘I seem to recall they were greatly effective.’

‘So I refuse, yell for help, toy with it, anything other than accept it, & I vaporize.’

‘You know these things better than me.’

Doctor Barton was shocked, as Tzebra smiled.

‘Regardless, your patient and the medical staff await. Choose which path you wish to follow.’

Doctor Barton felt honest fear, as they exited the ship, walking across the landing pad towards the elevators.


For those who would be confused by Tzebra’s sudden turn in this direction, you will be pleased to know that he did not. Not once does he admit to implanting anything in doctor Barton’s neck, only that "There is a lump on the left side of your neck, you know these things better than me, and that he recalls they were greatly effective."

Tzebra has played on her own imagination. This is why he starts smiling.

‘Often our greatest adversaries are those conjured through our own imaginations.’

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

As everyone began to appear for breakfast, Tobias paused, counting heads. Doctor Barton and Mauzipah were both missing.

‘Has anyone seen either of them?’ Tobias asked as everyone scrambled out of the house.

Several minutes passed when Jorgan yelled from the landing pad area. Mauzipah was in the Scarab recon vehicle. Its engine was running but he was fast asleep. Opening the door Mauzipah’s eyes fluttered open. ‘What the hell.’ he said, rolling his tongue around in his mouth.

Lydia ran out of the research facility with doctor Talman.

‘Doctor Barton is not here.’

‘Dammit,’ Tobias cursed.

Poppy looked around. ‘Where are the boys?’

Francis ran over to look in the stable, shaking her head.

Jorgan was helping Mauzipah from the landing pad area, half carrying him, his large arm being used in support.

As they arrived at the main house, Jorgan dumped Mauzipah into a chair.

‘Son, did you see or hear anything?’ Tobias asked.

‘No sir. Scanners were on full. Nothing but some cows.’

‘Were you watching that series you wanted to catch up on?’ Francis asked.

‘Yes, I was.’

‘Was there a strange vibration for a brief moment?’

Mauzipah had to think about it for a moment.

‘Yeah, something. Thought it was the motor. You know how they have that little stutter sometimes.’

Francis put her hands on her hips, arching her back and looking at the sky, drawing in a breath of air.

‘Your mouth tastes funny.’ Poppy asked.

‘Yeah, there is a weird taste.’

Tobias shook his head.

‘That’s why they were antsy. They sensed he was near, but didn’t take off because they didn’t know where he was. Probably observing us the whole time. He came for them and Barton.’

‘Mauzipah was in the open.’ Aarav commented.

‘The Scarabs canopy would have protected him from a pulse light stunner. However, he was listening to a holographic program and had an audio-source active. Bet he used the same on doctor Barton.’

‘I didn’t hear anything, just a little vibration.’ Mauzipah said, continuing to roll his tongue around in his mouth.

‘It uses a frequency beyond the human range of hearing. We used them from time to time.’

‘Who are we?’ doctor Talman asked.

‘Are we in danger?’ Lydia asked, in an almost panicked state.

‘No girl, we are not.’ Tobias said, looking around.

Doctor Talman eyed Francis, as Lydia moved in closer to him.

‘Shouldn’t we notify the system authorities?’ Doctor Talman asked.

Francis shook her head. ‘No, but today I am going to reach out, and give him a stunner of my own.’

Poppy almost giggled at that, as Lydia looked at her in a state of surprise.

Poppy snapped at that. ‘Lighten up. None of us have ever been in danger, nor will we be. Damned, you are the most panicky of people.’

‘Poppy!’ Francis said sternly.

‘No. I am tired of her freaking out whenever the wind blows in a different direction. Girl, just go ahead and shit yourself now and get it out of your system.’

‘That’s enough.’ Tobias growled, as Poppy turned and walked off.

‘Now is not the time for this.’ Jorgan’s voice boomed.

‘You are right.’ Tobias said, looking to doctor Talman.

‘If you are alright with it doctor, I could use your services around here, and can pay.’

‘On one condition. Who are we.’ Doctor Talman asked again, looking at Francis.

Mystic Valley Surgery
G 140-9 system

Doctor Barton came and woke Tzebra.

‘The procedure went well, and she is in recovery. She should be awake soon, and you can go in and visit her if you like.’

‘Your assessment?’

‘She will need to stay here a couple of days. After that, she is free to go wherever, but I would wait at least six weeks, before attempting anything. Make sure she takes the regime of medications for that time, then she can wean off them.’

‘For those two days, you and I will remain here. Once we leave, you will be paid for your services, and are free to leave. There is an Apex shuttle service that can take you wherever.’

‘So you can kidnap me and implant another explosive in my neck? No thank you.’

Tzebra’s face held no emotion as he rose his wrist.

‘No, I don’t want your alternative either. I will remain with her until that time is passed and everything is a success. After that, I will depart. Then you won’t have a need to kidnap me again.’

‘Fine then. The resort you were at will be yours. After everything is said and done.’

Tzebra walked away to visit Lilia, with doctor Barton walking with him.

‘You do know everyone back at the ranch is up in arms over your antics.’

Lila’s resting form was before him, as he reached down to touch her hair.

‘Imagine even more so now, but it was worth the price.’

Doctor Barton studied him for a moment.

‘You would burn the galaxy for this, wouldn’t you? Perhaps one day you will understand I care about the science, & have no control over how another uses it.’

Tzebra rose his wrist, as doctor Barton looked on in horror.

'Please make us some coffee.’

‘Doing so now.’ replied an Android voice.