Logbook entry

minor changes..

16 Nov 2023C. Instinct

Captain‘s log – AIRV Big Sister
Date: 16.11.3309
Condition: ABMER
Location: SYNUEFE HW-O C21-3

Entry 37:
For the past 2 weeks I have not moved the carrier or even left it on any of my smaller ships. However I have not been completely idle in that time. From the many Titan rescue missions I had done before retreating, I have only delivered about half of all my extracted capsules to the authorities. The rest I kept for my own personal research, and research I did! After the most recent official galnet news about the “returnees” I just fell like sharing some my own personal discoveries and thoughts on the matter. Did you ever notice how, whenever the authorities talk about the conditions of the returnees, they use very vague phrases like “minor physiological changes” and they having suffered only “few ill-effects”. Well let me tell you: when you have 500 capsules with returnees in your cargo hold, that’s a large enough sample size to get a very good look at these “minor changes” and “few ill-effects”! Sure the majority of all my frozen friends appear perfectly fine, but those few “ill-effected” … let me just state, I can understand why the officials keep any information on them very vague! I understand it so much so I think it’s best not to go into any more detail about their… conditions, in my public logs here aswell (for now). However, after what I have learned from my examinations and experiments so far, I have decided to sort my 500 capsules into 3 distinct categories and keep those in separate cargo holds for the time being.
The first category will be those who appear “uninfluenced” which make up the vast majority of my test subjects. I will keep those on hold for now and simply have them monitored by standard medical surveillance systems for any sudden changes.
The second category are those with “minor physical changes” and “ill-effected”. I will be working on conducting a whole series of examinations and experiments to perform on them eventually but there is some planning to do beforehand. My supply of “category 2 subjects” is limited and some of the experiments I have in mind… well lets just say I will have to manage my resources here.
The third category however is the most interesting for me and I might be the only one even aware of this category at all! See, the officials already stated that the returnees might be affected in some way the usual procedure cant detect. That statement had me thinking and perform a pretty unique experiment: I released some of my “little ones” into the cargo hold containing my rescued pods, to see how they would interact with them. They showed no raised interest in most of the capsules, just curiously crawling all over them much like they do in any environment that’s new to them. But on certain capsules they would suddenly all stop when one of them came in contact with it and all “little ones” in the cargo hold would quickly gather around that capsule. The returnees in these capsules show absolutely no signs of the category 2 but the reactions of my “little ones” to them are consistent and reproducible. Those are my my “category 3 subjects”! Very interesting!

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