Logbook entry


08 Mar 2023Lambast Mercy
".. told Vega I had a new Krait Mark Two. .."

Lamb hadn't really been listening to the coms. Maul was a talker when he got excited, and would ramble on and on about something or other, but he mentioned Vega, and that piqued her interest.

" .. said yeah it's a bit flat, but I wouldn't say Pizza like, but then I remembered the loading bays, and I thought, hey, if I get in there.."

She'd agreed to escort Maul on a little recon trip to Secret Eagle Acers. Both of them had history in this system, and Maul had herd whispers that some of the people he had exposed were trying to recover a stash or two they had hidden off-station at the near-by orbital farm. While he had been hacking the array, Maul traced an alarm he triggered; so as Lamb was in her Plasma Boat, and Mauls new ship was fitted for combat, they decided to stick around to see who would turn up. . But Maul had got board waiting.

".. do a thing so it looks like a Pizza in a box. All I need you to do is take the pic so I can send it to her, ok?" asked Maul.

It sounded suspiciously like flirting, and as Lamb felt it would be very good for the mental health of both Maul and Vega to 'get some'. She was happy to encourage her friend to show off to his crush.

"So if I just match my angel to .." said Maul as he drifted slowly towards the opening. His shields flashed blue on both sides as they made contact with the farm.

"You'll never get it in there Maul. If you do, it'll be shieldles, and you'll damage your port, and starboard pylon-mounts" advised Lambast.

"No shields! Good call Lamb" answered Maul dropping his protection "Oh like a glove. Look at that, it's like they knew what the gap was going to be used for" said Maul as he pressed his ship beyond the opening. "I'm in!"

"Hmm, I was wrong. Well done Mr Montresor, but I think you'll get stuck if you try to turn around, that's a very tight corridor. Kai used to take me through those cargo-ways in her.. and your not listening are you?"

"Nope, just tell me where I need to go so you can get a good pic of the pizza in a box. Left? Right? Up a bit maybe?"

"Fine" Said Lamb after an exacerbated exhale. "Your going to want to drift to your right a fair way, and you'll want to reverse a little too" Lamb watched and gave instructions "Bit more, bit more. Good, now revers about half that, and move your nose about three degrees left"

"Ok how about this? Am I good" Lamb didn't answer "Lamb? Am I good? Did you take the picture for me? I can't use the camera drone here. Lamb?"

"Yes I got your picture Mr Montresor, but we've also got company. A Conda has just dropped in, and its scanning every one. Get out of there, I think this is our chap"

"Crap, I'm on my way"

Maul gently moved and twisted the stick, it was answered with a metallic crunch, and a hollow distant 'Dunnk'

"Hull damage detected. Armour is maintaining integrity" informed the covas.

Lamb watched Mauls' brand new ship bounce off the orbital farm a few times "Maul, are you stuck?"

She was using her 'I already know the answer' voice. She used it on Maul a lot, and it kind of pissed him off.

"No, I'm.. . manoeuvring" Crunk-dunnk.

"Hull integrity compromised. Armour is maintaining structural integrity" informed the covas "Shields are recommended"

"Yes, I know. Thank you" cursed Maul under his breath as he tried changing the ships elevation. Crunk-dunnk, Hisss-CRAK.

"Breach on upper deck, the atmosphere has been vented. Do not leave the cockpit without a pressure suit" said the covas, almost cheerfully.

"Um Lamb, I'm mobility challenged right now.. and I got a hull breach.. and my shields are gonna take a while to recharge... So um, how close is that Conda?"

Looking over her left shoulder, Lamb saw the giant ship slow as it held her in it's sights to complete a scan. Maul would be next. She deployed the FDLs' plasma loaded hard points.

"You stop to get a box of pizza for Vega, and I get lumbered with a box of moron. Hold position Maul, I'll take care of this"

"Yeah, funny Lamb, funny. Thank you"
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︎5 Shiny!

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