Logbook entry


19 Jul 2021ThreeFour
[Log Update]

There is so much to report, i'll have to make it bitesize..
Let's see my last entry was., 19.03.3307, it's been a while again.
Here is some events that stuck in my memory after the turmoils regarding the [Defence of the Galactic Summit]..
- Traveled to engineer: The Dweller, in the WYRD system, to finish up some work on "Kingdoms Ashes", she was running hot, and that needed a fix asap.
He worked his magic on our Laser Beam banks on the sides, they will now have even more thermal ventilation!
On the Power Ditributor he replaced some conduits, and it's charging like an 8A should again..
Heat ventilation mailfunctions have therefore been fixed, and she is working at top efficiency again.
- I also recieved 3 messages from engineers i had never even heared from.
: Domino Green, location: "The Jackrabbit" in system: ORISHIS.
: Hero Ferrari, location: "Nevermore Terrace" in system: SIRIS
: Jude Navarro, location: "Marshall's Drift" in system: AURAI
They are all working on suits or weapons we carry on foot.
Curently i bought some weapons that allready had upgrades on them, i will visit them later.

- New Fleet Additions!
- 24.04.3307 - 2 new AX ships have been added to our fleet, and are equipped accordingly.
1 Faulcon DeLacy Krait Mk II added, this marvellous and agile vessel has been weaponized with 4 2B Guardian Gauss Cannons on a fixed mount,
and a 3C Beam Laser on a gimballed sturdy mount, with thermal ventilation, i went for the highest grade available.
Also installed Reactive Surface Composite, and upgraded that to G4 heavy duty with deep plating,
and some extra hull and module reinforcements since this ship will be in shieldless combat against interceptors. Tests so far are succesfull!
1 Core Dynamics Federal Dropship added, this is a well-armoured and versatile ship,
it will be used in trial combat against THARG scouts to test effectiveness of weapons available at this point in time.
Weaponized testing included so far: Failed experimental setup 4x 2B Pack-Hound Missile Rack on a fixed mount, and 1 turreted 3E ax multi cannon.
Test result summary: Failure, reason: Rockets bounched of THARG skin. Total experiment Rebuy costs: 0CR
Weaponized testing setup now as following: 1 turreted 3C Multi Cannon, 2 2B Guardian Plasma Chargers on a fixed mount, 2 turreted 2A Guardian Shard Cannons.
Test result summary: No tests where performd yet.

- 08.05.3307 - Participated in the [Fight for the Federation with League of Mandu]
MANDU isn't a really valueable system and has a population of 20k roughly.. still Federation is very present there to support it's loyal citizens, even today of this entry.
Therefore where only few Federal auxiliaries to support this goal unfortunatly, and a generous 46,5 billion credits where contributed.
A few visits with bountys to Admiral Natalia Lee, commander of "Harmony's Shield" was all i had time for..
I do feel i did justice to the cassualties of the NMLA bombings, even though our goals werent met...

- 24.06.3307 - My work as a mercenary is starting to show results., and now i've been awarded with a rank:
Mercenary: Mostly Defenceless., on 14.07.3307 i got another rank in: Rookie..
This rank will have to progress in order to keep up appearances..
Any further activity leading up to today was related to Estra Haven, wich curently demands a lot of my time.., heared some people in a bar somewhere talk about some funges i haven't heared from earlier., the explorer in me is asking for an adventure again.., he will have to wait., there is so much going on at the moment, i dont even find the time to write this log..

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︎1 Shiny!

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