Galnet archive

Infection Running Rampant in BD-02 4304

Hundreds of businesses have closed and thousands of people are quarantined following an outbreak aboard Newton Dock in what could be the most devastating epidemic of the decade.

The illness, the origins of which are currently unknown, has made its way across much of the region. Reports are coming in from surrounding systems indicating that the infection might already be spreading.

Carl Simmons, the Chief Medical Officer of Newton Dock, released the following statement in regards to the spread of this disease:

“At the risk of causing a panic, it is my duty to report that the outbreak is spreading at an alarming rate. Until we have identified how it managed to reach so many systems in such a short span of time, residents are advised to stay in their homes and travellers are advised to avoid the area.”

“Early signs of infection include vomiting blood, excessive sweating, sores and waves of intense dizziness. If you suspect you’ve been infected, please report to the local authorities at the earliest available opportunity. They will inform you how to proceed.”

In total almost 27 million residents now find themselves at risk from either disease, famine or both.

30 Jun 3301

Overview of the Past Week's Developments

Tensions have been running high aboard Effinger Port this week as doctors, nurses and scientists worked around the clock to find a cure for the Volungu Blight. A cure was eventually found, but it was too late for the thousands of families in Volungu, Furbaide, Liaedin and LHS 3505 who lost loved ones over the past two weeks.

An assassination attempt was made on Éamonn Uí Laoghire as he addressed the crowds after his second attempt to gain an audience with Alliance representatives in Alioth. While engaging with the huge numbers that had gathered to hear him speak, Éamonn was targeted by a single shot that was fired from a nearby building. The shot missed the ambassador but killed a member of the crowd.

Over the last week hundreds of independently-minded contractors delivered over 500,000 tons of land enrichment systems to Cassie-L-Peia in Tanmark. Specialist farmers from Kappa Fornacis were then able to stimulate the mass growth of Lucan Onionhead clones. Production of Onionhead is booming in the area.

The Sirius Corporation is currently offering sizeable monetary rewards for explorers who bring usable exploration data containing potential candidate sites for a number of new colonial outposts to their offices aboard Nourse Orbital in Lambda Andromedae.

The Federal Navy, in conjunction with Core Dynamics, has declared their intention to commission the creation of a new capitol ship. The new ship will be built in the recently recaptured shipyards of BD+03 2338, and the Admiral's personal contingent will remain in the locale in order to protect the construction of the new vessel.

Containing the Contagion

Tensions have been running high aboard Effinger Port this week as doctors, nurses and scientists worked around the clock to find a cure for the Volungu Blight.

A breakthrough finally occurred on Wednesday night after medical staff supplied by Aisling Duval managed to identify the pathogen behind the Blight. Once that was done, doctors were able to develop a course of treatment to fully eradicate all traces of the disease from patients' bodies.

While the cure comes too late for the thousands of families in Volungu, Furbaide, Liaedin and LHS 3505 that lost loved ones over the last week, the news doubtlessly comes as quite a relief to the hundreds of thousands more who are currently waiting to receive the cure aboard their local stations.

Duval Distributes Doctors in Furbaide

Aisling Duval made her presence felt in Furbaide today, as she arrived aboard Effinger Port to offer assistance to overworked medical staff currently caught in the struggle against the virulent and deadly Volungu Blight. Along with her usual entourage, the Diva Duval brought dozens of imperially trained doctors and nurses, all of whom will be offering their services free of charge to anyone afflicted by the Blight.

It is hoped that the biomedical expertise provided by the imperial doctors will shed some light on to the genetic makeup of the disease, whose aggressive transmission and resistance to known drug therapies has local medical staff completely stumped.

The death toll for the disease is now reaching into the thousands, and with no cure in sight the situation can be expected to get worse before it gets better.

Effinger Port, Furbaide, Reports Contagion Spreading Unchecked

Despite a valiant effort by medical staff working aboard afflicted stations in Volungu, Liaedin, LHS 3505 and Furbaide, the illness now known as Volungu Blight has managed to evade all attempts to contain it.

The virulent disease has managed to claim hundreds of lives since it first appeared just 24 hours ago.

In an attempt to combat the spread of the Blight, a rapid response team has been set up aboard Effinger Port station in the Furbaide system. This team will be working around the clock to find a cure, but they can't do it alone.

Dr. Miriam Fletcher, head of the Furbaide CDC, has requested that anyone shipping basic medicines divert to Effinger Port in order to donate the supplies needed to stop the Blight before it manages to spread any further.

19 Feb 3301

Sickness Spreading through Ngaliba

A wave of sickness has spread through Ngaliba, leading the Federal Centre for Disease Control to issue an amber alert warning all pilots to avoid Fullerton Horizons until further notice.

Anyone who has visited Ngaliba in the past five days is advised to seek immediate medical attention.

Early signs of infection include dizziness, nausea, stomach pains and a loss of concentration. More serious symptoms include frequent nose bleeds, an aversion to bright light and the partial paralysis of patients' limbs.

The Crimson Major Solutions have declined to offer any comment in regards to how many people are known to be infected.