Galnet archive

The Canonn Supports Palin's Effort

Professor Ishmael Palin has requested help in establishing a new research base on Maia b1ba in order to safely study the unknown artefacts. Dr Arcanonn, head of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, has issued a statement regarding this endeavour:

"I cannot argue with the logic of establishing a research facility out in the Pleiades, next door to Merope, and I urge all Commanders to deliver as many Evacuation Shelters as they can to Nelson Works in Dahan to ensure this facility is completed."

"With the Canonn throwing its resources at this initiative, I will be contacting the professor personally to request laboratory space for my researchers so that we, too, can be involved once the base is established."

"Research into the UAs is not a side project for humanity - it is vital. Make sure you're one of those making a difference."

Commander Lord Zoltan

21 Dec 3301

The Canonn Calls for Halt to Artefact Sales

The Voice of Varati today received a statement from Dr Arcanonn of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group:

"As news of further station malfunctions spreads, I urge all those who have been selling Unknown Artefacts to stop doing so immediately, to avoid any further station shutdowns."

"There is a strong positive correlation between the stations experiencing faults and the sale of UAs at those stations. Our own observations at Bond Hub in Varati support this: the artefacts appear to affect stations in the same way they affect ships, with potentially disastrous consequences."

"Given these findings, we are deeply troubled by the surge in value of UAs across the black market, which clearly led to this increase in sales. Who caused this increase? Did they know the effect it would have?"

Commander Lord Zoltan

04 Dec 3301

CIRG Sends Scientists to Bond Hub

Mere hours after the Canonn Interstellar Research Group defeated the Labour of Varati in the recent Bond Hub election, more than fifty CIRG scientists arrived at Bond Hub from Thompson Dock. The scientists were accompanied by tonnes of equipment, which has been installed in makeshift labs. Professor D Luffy, lead scientist for the team, explained what was happening:

"First, we thank the residents of Bond Hub for calling for this election, voting for us, and allowing us to continue our work on the Unknown Artefacts. We have pledged to investigate the station malfunctions that have dominated the news in recent weeks, and since Bond is also affected we have an opportunity to put it at the heart of our research."

"Our teams have started monitoring the malfunctions side-by-side with UAs brought from the Merope shell, so we can determine the exact nature of the UAs' relationship to these malfunctions."

Commander Lord Zoltan

26 Nov 3301

Market Value of Unknown Artefacts Increases

The Money Matters news feed has reported that the market value of the mysterious unknown artefacts has dramatically increased. The report neglects to include specific figures, citing the "fluctuating nature" of the market, but does imply that the trade price has seen a significant upswing. According to Money Matters correspondent Roberta Unwin:

"The market value of a commodity can increase over time, of course, but dramatic spikes of this sort tend not to happen without a catalyst. Evidently, someone is paying a great deal for these objects. The question is: who?"

16 Nov 3301

Armed Intruders Apprehended at Christian Dock

Security personnel at Christian Dock in the Nganji System have successfully apprehended a group of armed interlopers, it has been confirmed. The intruders, who were reported to be in possession of personal weapons classed as illegal in several systems, are being detained while they await preliminary sentencing.

Jason Treeves, head of security at Christian Dock, had the following to say:

"The trespassers managed to disable our frontline security system, but apparently they didn't realise we had an array of secondary sensors, and they triggered the alarm. A response team was scrambled to their location, and my men succeeded in subduing the intruders with a minimum of fuss. A full investigation into how these men were able to bypass our security systems is now underway."

Readers will no doubt recall that Christian Dock is also the centre of Professor Ishmael Palin's research into the unknown artefacts discovered earlier this year. Treeves refused to comment on a possible connection between the security breach and Professor Palin's research, but a civilian source at Christian Dock said:

"I have it on good authority they were caught trying to break into Palin's laboratory, and I heard they had incendiary explosives, too. I wouldn't be surprised to discover they were trying to destroy the lab and the UAs".

02 Nov 3301

Technical Trouble in 49 Arietis

Amid news that the technical issues plaguing the Warkushanui system have worsened, reports are coming in that starports in the system of 49 Arietis are experiencing similar problems. According to Blake Fry, a commercial freight pilot who regularly traverses the 49 Arietis system, the starport of Gaiman Dock has been hit with a plethora of issues in recent hours, including power outages and system failures. Speaking to the Federal Times, Fry said:

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but they've got problems popping up all over the place. Energy, infrastructure – everything's on the fritz. They're in a world of pain over there."

When asked if he had any theories on what was happening at Gaiman Dock, Fry was unequivocal:

"Hey, I read the news. I'm not stupid. First they take those alien pods there, and then there's a complete technical breakdown. Didn't they say those AEO things damaged machinery? Join the dots, man!"

The issues in 49 Arietis are not believed to be affecting station services at this time.

Canonn Interstellar Research Group Announces Breakthrough

After months of research, scientists working for the Canonn Interstellar Research Group observed a change in the transmissions emanating from the so-called 'unknown artefacts', also known as 'anomalous extraterrestrial objects' (or AEOs). Now the organisation believes it has decoded at least part of these strange transmissions. Startlingly, the messages appear to contain schematic diagrams of the ships being used to study the objects.

The breakthrough came when Commander Mike Juliett Kilo was inspired to channel a pre-recorded AEO signal into an antique scanner display system he happened to be transporting. "I was prepared to see an alien face or Thargoid warship," he said. "I certainly didn't expect to see a Vulture, especially as I was flying one at the time! It sent shivers down my spine."

As the number of AEOs encountered in the Aries Dark region increases, the debate over the objects continues.

Palin Invited to Join Research Group

Last week saw reports that Professor Ishmael Palin has been forced to cease his research into the so-called anomalous extraterrestrial objects, also known as 'unknown artefacts'. The Voice of Varati has since received a statement from the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, an independent scientific body:

"We were extremely distressed to read reports that Professor Palin has seen his attempt to research the unknown artefacts forcibly terminated. This is indeed a sad end to a promising beginning, especially given the insights concerning the artefacts the professor had shared with us all.

"We can only speculate as to why he's been silenced in this way, but the fires of suspicion are spreading rapidly. Someone in a position of power knows far more about these things than the rest of us, but wishes this information to remain secret. The question is – why?

"The Canonn is going to redouble its efforts to conduct open research into the UAs, as we feel it is in the interests of humanity to learn as much about these mysterious artefacts as we can. We also urge Professor Palin to join us, as we feel it would be in his and his team's best interests. The professor can contact our council at any time, and we will assemble a quick-response team to assure his safety."

Commander Lord Zoltan, The Voice of Varati