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Secret Federal Anger Now That Onionhead Sales at All Time High

We have seen several off-the-record comments from unnamed Congressmen who are angry at the publicity Onionhead has received from the President's various announcements, and her criticism of the Admiral of the Fleet.

According to reports on black market pricing, the value of Onionhead has soared throughout Federal space, despite its illegality. The 'Oniongate' protests are still ongoing, seemingly paralysing the senior leadership from taking further action.

Patreus Announces Support for Federal Leavers

In response to yesterday's announcement from the Federal Congressman from Dulos, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus announced he will support any other systems that want to leave the Federation.

"The Federation is treating its members with contempt. Their penal tax rates support an indolent core society, and discourage entrepreneurship. I offer my assistance to any other systems that want it. Naturally I extend my offer of help to Jane Garvey."

We couldn't reach Congressman Garvey of Dulos for comment, but Patreus's words are being taken seriously by the Federal leadership.

Federal Shadow President Hudson Criticises Halsey

It seems the steps of Congress have become a venue for interviews with politicians amid the repetitive protest holos and the tenacious but now quite dishevelled protesters. Today was Shadow President Hudson's turn.

"Halsey is lurching from crisis to crisis seemingly without a plan. Look at this. 'Oniongate' it is being called. Madness. She is rudderless. Indecisive. 

Do any of us have any faith in her anymore? We cannot wait until her vote of confidence in 3304 to get rid of her. We need to act now. I will raise this in Congress as we need to put some backbone back into the Federation. We need to lower taxes. Get our youth in work or in the military. Raise the voting age to 21. Stop the haemorrhage of great systems like Dulos and Sanna. That woman is driving them into the arms of that Imperial weasel Patreus."

Reports are marking this as the beginning of an election campaign for Hudson.

Dulos Joins Sanna's Bid to Leave Federation

Congressman Jane Garvey for Dulos agrees with Congressman Albertson from Sanna.

In a statement this morning made outside Congress on Mars, amid some persistent 'Oniongate' protesters, she said:

"The latest round of Federal tax rises is unfair on the frontier. In Dulos, like Sanna, we only get one vote. The core systems get hundreds. They control Congress and take our money. We too would like to become independent and masters of our own destiny. Then our votes will also matter. We are supposed to be a Federation, but we are not. We have two tiers, and it is the successful frontier systems like mine in the lower tier that pay for the lethargy and luxury here in the core."

She then entered Congress amid clapping and cheers from the protesters - who seem to support anyone who speaks against the government.

The Succession Struggle for the Imperial Throne Continues Apace

The Emperor's denouncement of his son Harold as mad, and announcement of his intention to marry childhood sweetheart Florence Lavigny, have served to confer legitimacy (in more ways than one) to Florence's daughter Arissa. She duly announced her intention to change her surname to Duval and appears to be positioning herself and Chancellor Anders Blaine as the continuity 'ticket'.

Aisling Duval, Harold's daughter, is meanwhile using her celebrity to court public sympathy and pick a fight with Senator Torval over the latter's slaving activities.

Imperial Senators Zemina Torval and Denton Patreus are both at large in the galaxy, Torval freeing unregulated Federal slaves over the holiday period and Patreus fighting a series of covert and overt wars in different systems (with varying degrees of success).

The Federation has had its share of problems too. President Halsey's denial of responsibility for the Onionhead farm bombings in Kappa Fornacis seems to have exposed divisions in the hierarchy that Shadow President Hudson has lost no time in exploiting.

Tensions between both Empire and Federation appear to be coming to a head over the Sanna system. Sanna wants to leave the Federation in protest over the recent tax increases, and Senator Patreus is only too willing to offer his particular brand of help.

Torval Celebrates Empire Day

Senator Torval has freed a further 10,000 unregulated slaves bought from private traders in the Federation to celebrate Empire Day. In a statement released this morning, she said:

"I want to see the end of unregulated slavery throughout the galaxy. Imperial slavery is a respected tradition, and not to be besmirched by the terrible practice with a similar name tolerated in the Federation by turning a blind eye to it."

Her statement seems to have ruffled a few feathers in Congress. We couldn't get a comment on record from any of the leadership, but we did get a reply from an aide trying to sneak past the few remaining 'Oniongate' demonstrators on the steps of Congress.

"That is a bit ripe coming from her. Slavery is illegal throughout the Federation. It is people like her, paying for slaves that keep the trade going, which is why we find it so hard to crack down on it!"

Patreus Supports Beleaguered Sanna in Bid to Leave Federation

In his New Year's message Senator Patreus has announced he supports Sanna's bid for freedom, and will do whatever it takes to help them.

"We will make this happen as we enter a glorious new year and a historic new century. Maybe Congressman Albertson will be Senator Albertson before long!"

Seeing the broadcast on Sanna, Marcus Albertson responded via social media.

"Senator Patreus is very generous. I will of course tender my resignation from Congress before speaking to the honourable Senator about this, but freedom from tyranny is a great thing and something we all look forward to."

Federal Shadow President Demands Lower Taxes

In a statement Shadow President Hudson announced his sympathy for Sanna.

"Our taxes are crippling those we most need to help. We waste it on bureaucracy and the lazy. We should be supporting and protecting hard working States like Sanna."

It is understood a Federal Battlecruiser will be deployed some time in the New Year to provide a venue for discussions, and to help Sanna remain within the Federation.