Logbook entry

Galaxy Grand Tour II

15 Aug 2021Overseer
I’ve just started my second Grand Tour of the galaxy
Last time I did a tour of the galaxy it was just after the Codex was released. I visited live in each of the 42 sectors of the galaxy via the shortest route. (See the Grand Tour I link for details) This time I’m stepping it up a notch. I’m going to follow the full length of each spiral arm from the tip to the galactic core, then straight through and follow the opposite arm to the tip . There are 4 Arms (Who new! When I set out, I assumed that there were just 2 that doubles the distance I have to travel) So I will have to travel about the length of the galaxy to join up the ends of the arms. It take me through every sector of the galaxy. But this time I will have to go through each sector the long way. I will be stopping of at every Fleet carrier in the DSSA on the way
I set off from the bubble on 21/07/3307 So Far I’ve cover about 70,000 Ly
Estimated total distance is 640000 Ly
Estimated total Number of jumps 8500
Estimated total Playing time 190 hours
This should get me up to Exploration Elite ***** and hopefully elite in Exobiology.
I will be stopping in all system with a Earth like word, Water world or Ammonia World to scan the planets I’ll map The landable planets with atmospheres and land on one with life more advances than bacteria.

Full details of the tour https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1475114978162769921
Follow the tour on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/cmdroverseer
or YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLekg5alSlvFjU4YuHvmHo4NPx5mg2J_hZ
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