Logbook entry

5 Years and 19 Control System Later

23 Apr 2023DR Grandreefer
Cannot believe what this has come to. All we wanted was a home system for us to setup shop and continue to help other communities grow in their own ways. We are now 5 years later and have over 22 billion people under our arms. Watching every system and reacting to every issue as they show. Its all sorta beautiful when you think about it. Here we are from all walks of life, different mindsets, different issues, and different goals, all coming together to build our little empire. I just want to thank everyone, no matter how large or small the role, for being part of this galaxy(the game and its community). It really has been a pleasure to know and work along side so many of you and I just cant wait to see what the next 5 years brings. O7, CMDRs
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