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Bulletin board post

31 May 2024, 12:02am
Related squadron
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Federal Liberal Command

Felicia needs YOU!!

FLC squadron - winners of another powerplay medal in this last, and almost all other, seasons - gives its name to the umbrella organisation furthering Felicia Winters' mission. If you're a Winters supporter, this is the place to go to help grow and maintain her influence within the bubble - standing sentinel against the swarming throng of Imperial lackeys!
FLC represents the vast majority of efforts in support of Felicia Winters powerplay.

Supporting a power means teamwork (be it working together directly, or simply efficient allocation of effort), long term strategy, and application of tactics and knowledge accumulated over years. Minor factions across hundreds of systems play a crucial part in maintaining a power, so that powerplay can offer a rich tapestry of interwoven activities and fields of play.

We welcome multiplayer interaction and PvP, with dedicated defence pilots on hand, which can transform even the most basic powerplay activities into a ride. But in some tasks encounters are rare, and there's room for all tastes and levels of excitement.

In a cut-throat galaxy, humanity needs a strong voice offering security and standing up for fairness and justice. Someone who wants the Federation to be a leader, not a bugbear, in the galaxy. Join up and, alongside the president-elect, we'll help cement a better future for all who we can.

Join us on discord
Or see reddit for further details