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Bulletin board post

29 May 2024, 1:25pm
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Cameron's Combat Services is recruiting!

Tracing its heritage to the ancient Highlanders, Cameron's Combat Services is a private military firm that witnessed the devastation of Terra, fought in the unification war, survived both the formation and fall of the Star League and prospered in humanity's quest to live amongst the stars. In accordance with the core tenets of our founders, we are known to be reliable, honorable and operate as a circle of equals.

We are proud members of the COMSTAR coalition.


We offer a wide variety of services at competitive prices! From space and ground-based combat support and PvP to system security and Background Simulation, we can assist you with your needs. Our team is professional and well-versed in most aspects of play in Elite: Dangerous. Our specialty is small, targeted operations and as always we provide complete confidentiality to all our clients. Join the Cameron's Highlanders Discord and ask about our services today!


We are always looking for new players to join our ranks. Our activities, while being primarily those of a mercenary company, cover most of what Elite has to offer. Whether you want to engage in combat, explore the galaxy, haul commodities or just fly with some friends, Cameron's Combat Services is the place for you. We operate as a circle of equals. Advancement and promotion are determined by initiative and devotion to the squad and our mission.

New Players - Our core of veteran pilots can help you get a strong head start on your journey through the Milky Way. We can help you quickly gain credits, materials, and ships and learn the ins-and-outs of the game, wherever your interests lie.
Veterans - Looking for some new experiences and horizons? Come help us grow our strength and access the vast wealth of knowledge we have accumulated, and maybe even teach our old dogs some new tricks.

We love our Battletech lore and blend it with Elite when we can. If only Odyssey came with Battlemechs...

We do not gank or grief.

Don't wait! Sign up today!
Please join us on the Cameron's Highlanders Discord