Starfield: Game talk

18 May 2024, 12:04pm
Jane VanceI don't see the side quest "Final Thoughts" anywhere. You find a tablet with a lenghty and heart breaking audio recording of a dying miner (random location). You are then supposed to bring the tablet to Claire Mensah in New Atlantis (at the Viewport). The quest does not give you any reward except the xp and the feeling of having done a good deed.

Thanks for the report, I will re-check that and add it later today.
yesterday, 1:16pm
I have found it here :
I was searching for npc name "claire" or "mensah" which is not referenced.
yesterday, 2:12pm
Yes, I have added it, also with some other radiant quests/missions. Claire Mensah is technically just a generic NPC in New Atlantis which is temporarily renamed during the mission and that's why she is not referenced, but I will probably add her there manually later on.

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