
10 May 2024, 11:58pm
Obi Wan CannoliAny fellow Managed Democracy™ fans here?

I played it after the release a bit, but unfortunately various updates Arrowhead made (buffs, nerfs, spawn changes, no interesting new gear, etc.) sucked all the fun out of it for me.
16 May 2024, 5:35am
Do you know what else sucks out all fun from things mean't to be visual, such as computer games and movies? Begin ugly, or just grey and uninteresting. We can talk about it days long visuals does not substitute story, but if it's visual art, than it has to have look somehow. And the crap some peoples trying to to give? It's just that, and they do better to cut it unless, they want to notice a significant cut in profit...

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Anything not directly and indirectly related to Elite:Dangerous, Starfield, Inara, galaxy and so on. Just please no politics, religion and similar usually heated discussions, please. It never ends well despite the best efforts...