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INARA Coalitions

Let it be known that the ARRC are happy to enter a coalition on INARA with any Player Minor Faction or Squadron that has ideals and aims that are algned with ours.
This document outlines the meaning and terms of those Coalitions.
1.a The term Coalition for the purposes of this document shall mean agreement in that we are agreed in supporting the aims of the Alliance of Independent Systems and their Allies.

1.b The term Coalition does not, and will never, bind us in any way to any supposed promise of asstance for any purpose whatsoever without a separate negotiated agreement in writing.

2.a When entering into a coalition with us. It is accepted that we automatically have a Non Aggression Pact and that if either of us land in a system already occupied by the other. There will be no attempt to take control without prior aggreement. In other words. The first to enter has prior claim to take system control.

2.b If any member enters a system already occupied by the other. They shall immediately notify the other so that any neccessary actions can be discussed and taken.

2.c This agreement can only be altered by negotiation.

2.b Any negotiations outside of INARA are to take place solely in our Discord Server, with the current Admins or their appointed agent.

2.c Any agreed changes shall be recorded in writing and published where both sides can see it.