Logbook entry

A New Adventure

Well, my Into the Black logs entail the adventure I had to Colonia, with points of interest along the way, and the finale was the centre (Sagittarius A*). I returned to the Bubble (self-destruct), fought these Thargoid drones on the ground, did some more mercenary work. Even though their's a war going against the Thargoids, were still fighting ourselves in places. And then got myself a new ship, since the Traveller's Dream II is now a dream around the galaxy's supermassive black hole; I got myself a Keelback. Done some tweaking to.

Exploration calls to me again. I don't know what it is but heading out there...there are no words to encapsulate it fully.

However, this one, may be my last. Though it necessarily doesn't have to be my last as I can always come back in a couple years or more (hell, I had a huge hiatus from 2017/2018 then coming back in 2023). This may be my last exploration run, at the very least.

This new adventure, I've decided to re-visit some old favourites. I've been to them before, but, as with anything else- it's nice to see some familiar faces. AND, it's a lot closer to home (7000ly ish). I'll be surfing amidst the Elysian Shore, and will visit the region's most notable nebulae. The Heart and Soul.

Once there, I'll be thoroughly scanning the shore, taking in the waves, sights and sounds with my Keelback, the Solace.

To whatever you're doing cmdrs, good luck and carry on O7
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