Logbook entry

Unseen Eye 17: Together again

23 Jun 2022Lambast Mercy
Silas felt awkward, he hadn’t seen Kai, his girlfriend for months and he didn’t know if it was his place to ask anymore, but there are some things a man just can’t ignore.

“So, who was that dude in the suit's locker Kai?”

They were pulling themselves along the corridor with a mind to get back to Maul and Lambast. Maul had called to let Silas know the ship was back under his control. Silas told Maul that backup had arrived and that everyone should meet at the lower airlock to rearm and make a plan to get rid of the rest of the Seekers.

“I have no idea” answered the little white-haired woman feeling just as uncomfortable now she has some quiet time with Silas.

They hadn’t actually split up, they had just got busy with work, and work for a pilot can put thousands of light-years and many months between people. Celebrating in Colonia, Kia had done many things a good girlfriend wouldn’t do, but Kaisla does as a Kaisla will, and didn’t even think about it until now. Feeling guilty for that never crossed her mind, but now she was back beside Silas, Kai found it impossible to look him in the eye.

While Kai tried to sort her feeling out, she started making small talk to avoid asking, or answering the big questions.

“So, how did you wind up coming out here? Like I know why, but um .. how or why?”

“Maul” Answered Silas “A message comes through to my command center saying he’s got info on the guy that hired Lamb, he’s a bad guy and something bad is gonna happen. I jumped in my ship, met up with Maul, and set off” said Sails, but that didn’t quite cover it.

“Sounded like fun” he finished with a shrug. “And you?”

“Ur, pretty much the same. I called the office to see what was goin on with Lamb, and they tell me you and Maul had rushed off at full boost you know? So I was on it once I knew Lamb was out near Colonia”

Something Silas had said picked at Kai’s brain for more attention. “Your control room? What are you talking about dude?”

“Oh right yeah, it’s been a while huh? I got um, an investor and started a mercenary company operating out of my shiny new carrier. We’re called Viglia” Stated Silas with pride. “I lead a small army now”

“Wow” remarked Kai genuinely impressed “By investor you mean Lamb right? How much did ya get out of her?”

Silas smiled “Oh I get it now. You’re only interested in my money. Well, it’s all tied up in fleets, hardware, and medical bills. It goes out as fast as it comes in, but I can always find a few credits to sling at a good pilot. You still fly Kai?”

“Still fukin fly?” asked Kai, indignity dropping off every word “I can fly my skinny lil arse around you and .. .LAMB!”

They had worked their way down to the lower docking port and as soon as the women saw each other, the worry about their situation disappeared, replaced by a duel of mothering instincts. Kai was upset about the cuts on Lambs’ face, and Lamb was not at all happy about how thin Kai looked.

Silas and Maul didn’t know what was being said, because they didn’t speak high-pitched squawk. Nor did they understand the ritual of the scream-hug. There appeared to be about four lines of conversation happening at once, and neither of the lifelong friends paused for even a breath. To Silas and Maul, it was a mess of words, but Kai and Lamb were having a perfectly normal interaction.

Silas cleared his throat loud enough to cut into the noise. It was painful to do that after Napoleon had squeezed his neck so hard, but there were matters that needed attending to.

“It is great to see you again Kai, but what are we going to do about your Passenger's Lamb” he asked.

“Kill ‘um all” said Kai drawing both her guns “I say w mhff mur” Lamb had put her hand over Kais' face to shut her up.

“We shall take care of the situation Mr Cousland” said Lamb returning to her usual prim and proper demeanor after a very uncharacteristic bout of excitement. “Now we are fortunate enough to have access to the Dracul curtesy of Mis Delana, and Mr Montresor has complete control of all twenty-twos’ systems, the ball is very much in our court”

“Yep” interjected Maul. “The Seekers are all locked in the converted cargo unit. They can get as far are the corridors going bow and stern because the doors to the converted are not on the ship's grid, but that’s it. I’ve got everything else on lockdown, and primary control is through this deck” he said waggling his hackers’ portable computer.

“There is a surveillance system in place too. It’s theirs and doesn’t cover everything. . “Lied Maul not wishing to let Lamb know she had almost no privacy in her personal quarters “.. but it’s enough to let us know where they are if they do try to leave the converted”

“Great” said Silas happy things were finery starting to go their way after a precession of disasters that had plagued this rescue so far. “lets’ board Kais’ ship, sort our kit, and finish this”
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︎6 Shiny!

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