Galnet archive

Nova Imperium Defeated in Paresa System

The conflict in the Paresa system has ended with Nova Imperium being defeated by Imperial organisation Yupini Limited.

As the conflict drew to a close, Senator Denton Patreus made the following statement:

“With the aid of our loyal Imperial auxiliaries, the isolationists’ forces have been significantly depleted. Let this be a warning to others – the Empire will not tolerate insurrection.”

Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Dyson City in the Paresa system.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

The Empire has entered a state of conflict with the isolationist group Nova Imperium in the Paresa system. Senator Denton Patreus issued a call to Imperial auxiliaries to help destroy the Nova Imperium fleet. Imperator Mordanticus made a similar appeal, saying, “I urge all those who believe that Hadrian Duval should be the Emperor to support us.”

A luxury star yacht belonging to famous actor Consuela Knight has reached its destination with nobody aboard. Computer records confirmed the crew's presence until a few minutes before arrival, when all five crew members vanished. Engineering and hyperspace experts have begun analysing data to unravel the mystery.

Meanwhile, the Interstellar Health Organisation is reviewing Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines, which the company has admitted are based on advanced technology developed by Utopia. Many in the medical community have argued that Utopia should share their revolutionary medicines, but investors have already pumped millions of credits into Vitadyne Labs, convinced that profits will run into the billions if these nanomeds become the galaxy’s hottest new commodity.

Finally, supply campaigns for the Federal and Imperial navies have concluded successfully, with traders delivering large amounts of military provisions. The factions responsible for the parallel initiatives thanked pilots who contributed.

And those are the main stories this week.

Empire Engages Nova Imperium

The Empire has entered a state of conflict with the isolationist group Nova Imperium in the Paresa system.

Senator Denton Patreus announced:

“The loyal Imperials of Yupini Limited have engaged the isolationists’ illegal armada. We call upon Imperial auxiliaries to support our allies and destroy the Nova Imperium fleet.”

Imperator Mordanticus, leader of Nova Imperium, has requested the support of the galactic community:

“Nova Imperium’s survival depends upon winning this battle. I urge all those who believe that Hadrian Duval should be the Emperor to support us.”

The two factions have set out week-long campaigns to overcome their foes, which will begin on the 10th of January 3305.

Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

The theft of a spectacular work of art has soured New Year festivities for thousands of Federal citizens. A colossal holo-sculpture, inspired by the Federal insignia, was due to be unveiled to mark the start of 3305. But upon activation, the image that materialised was a gigantic cat's face, winking repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Professor Katrien Rook has admitted that her company’s nanomedicines are of Utopian origin, and revealed that the original material was sold to Vitadyne Labs by independent pilots. She offered to return the original cargo to Utopia while insisting that Vitadyne be allowed to continue the manufacture of its derived nanomedicines. Simguru Pranav Antal has insisted that production cease, however.

In other news, preparations are underway for the second Distant Worlds expedition, which will see a community of explorers cross the galaxy. The expedition will chart a course through the heart of the galaxy, mapping unexplored regions and making new scientific discoveries. It will also involve the construction of a starport dedicated to the study of Sagittarius A*. Nearly four thousand Commanders are expected to take part.

The isolationist group Nova Imperium has started mustering its forces in the Paresa system, prompting Senator Denton Patreus to issue a statement ordering the ships to disperse. The Imperial Navy must now find a way to quash the threat without it being seen as a massacre of Imperial citizens, which will only fuel further rebellion.

An open order for military supplies has been placed on behalf of the Federal Navy by the League of Zearla. A parallel operation is being run by Imperial faction the Sirsir Co. Both initiatives begin on the 3rd of January 3305 and will run for one week.

Finally, an initiative run by Herculean Machines, manufacturer of Duradrive personal computers, has concluded. Multiple shipments of consumer technology, hardware diagnostic sensors and computer components were delivered to the Blatrimpe system, which will be used to fulfil a large order from the Federal Navy.

And those are the main stories this week.

Nova Imperium Musters Military Forces

The isolationist group Nova Imperium is reported to be assembling its forces in the Paresa system.

Senator Denton Patreus made this statement:

“We have evidence that this seditious organisation is amassing an armada in its home system. It consists of ships crewed by Imperator Mordanticus’s ex-Navy followers, as well as the private vessels of many misguided citizens.”

“As Admiral of the Fleet, I order Nova Imperium to disperse its forces immediately or face the consequences.”

The Imperial Herald’s Cassia Carvalho commented:

“Widespread support for Hadrian Duval has led to Nova Imperium amassing its fleet in a very short time. The challenge for the Imperial Navy is to quash this threat without it being seen as a massacre of Imperial citizens, which can only fuel further rebellion.”

A Warning from the Imperator

The isolationist group Nova Imperium has broadcast a message to Imperial citizens via public media.

The organisation’s leader, known only as the Imperator, said:

“Imperial citizens, your ruler’s weakness has put you in great danger. If we are to survive the Thargoid onslaught, we must sever ties with the Federation and other, inferior powers, and concentrate on protecting our own systems.”

“I call upon those who care about their Imperial birthright to support Nova Imperium. We vow to restore the Empire’s purity and strength, and to lead it into a glorious future.”

Senator Denton Patreus responded with the following comment:

“These extremists and their seditious agenda are not worthy of attention. So far we have been lenient with them, but this so-called Imperator would be wise not to test our patience any further.”

Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

Terrorist group the League of Reparation has committed three further murders in Federation space.

The victims include two members of the Pilots Federation. In both cases, the Commanders’ ships were laser-branded with the words ‘FOR JAMESON’.

Commodore Riri McAllister of the Alliance Defence Force has been appointed to the Council of Admirals, filling the vacancy left by the late Tulimaq Buchanan, who was killed by the League of Reparation. McAllister has pledged to support efforts against the terrorist group responsible for her predecessor’s death.

Meanwhile, entertainment journalist Solomon Helios has been speculating about the romantic life of Princess Aisling Duval, who is understood to have spurned the advances of Admiral Denton Patreus. Three potential suitors have been identified: Senator Caspian Leopold, anti-slavery campaigner Jarl Toredo, and Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester.

In other news, Los Chupacabras, an independent faction based in the LFT 926 system, has announced plans for a musical event known as the Jailhouse Rock and Blues Music Festival. In support of the event, Los Chupacabras have placed an open order for quantities of beer, tobacco, coffee and narcotics, and have promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Meredith City in the LFT 926 system.

Authorities in the T’iensei system have reported a sharp increase in the number of criminals operating in the area. To counter this threat, the Autocracy of T’iensei has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Dzhanibekov Port.

Finally, two community-led initiatives reached successful conclusions this week. In the core systems, an operation to recover survivors and salvage from a convoy attacked by pirates was supported by scores of independent pilots, while in Colonia, hundreds of Commanders delivered microresources to the Colonia Co-Operative, which is investigating the region’s potential to support larger populations in the future.

And those are the main stories this week.

The Courtship of Aisling Duval

A media broadcast has identified a number of potential romantic suitors for Princess Aisling Duval.

Entertainment journalist Solomon Helios discussed the matter in a special edition of his programme:

“There’s been a lot of discussion about Aisling Duval lately, with some viewing her as reaching a certain maturity in the political arena. But never mind that! What we want to know is: who is the galaxy’s most eligible princess dating?”

“Let’s face it, there must be no end of gentlemen focusing their sights on her. She’s a Duval, the daughter of the late Emperor, and a woman of enormous charm, intelligence and culture. Plus – she’s a stunner!”

“Three years ago it looked like Admiral Denton Patreus might be the one tying the knot. But we can assume that Aisling Duval spurned his advances, perhaps concluding – like many of us – that Patreus was more interested in the Imperial throne than anything else. So, who might be wooing the ‘people’s princess’ now?”

“The first possibility is Senator Caspian Leopold, who has attended many meetings with Aisling and speaks warmly of her in interviews. Of course, the senator is almost twice her age, but he is undoubtedly a gifted orator, not to mention enormously wealthy and influential. And sometimes experience wins out!”

“On the other end of the scale is a young man called Jarl Toredo, who has been spotted visiting Aisling at the palace. This passionate firebrand runs an organisation called Universal Liberty, and has made a name for himself campaigning against Imperial slavery. So naturally, any relationship would give Aisling’s own charity an enormous PR boost.”

“Toredo is a salt-of-the-earth type who has worked hard to build a life for himself. His background could not be more different from Aisling’s, with both his parents having died in servitude. A romance seems unlikely…but I wouldn’t rule it out!”

“Potential suitor number three, Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester, has been stationed on Aisling’s home planet Emerald, where the two of them took a private tour around the Prism’s Shades art installation. The tall and handsome ambassador cut a striking figure beside the princess, as the empathic art pulsed with light around them. A political gesture designed to soothe relations with the Federation, or something more personal?”

“One thing’s for sure – Princess Duval walks her own path, and has no problem with upsetting the established order. So when it comes to her love life, all bets are off!”