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Thargoid War Update: July 3309

Vox Galactica journalist Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest news emerging from the front lines of the conflict.

“Events in the war continue to move quickly, sometimes outpacing the ‘speed of news’. In my last update, I mentioned that the Thargoids had occupied over a thousand systems. But by the time that was published, the number had reduced considerably. According to my sources, anti-xeno squadrons and independent pilots are reclaiming systems at a higher rate than Thargoids can conquer them.”

“This incredible achievement suggests we are finally gaining the advantage in this war. The hopelessness that many have felt over the last nine months is now tempered with optimism. Our naval forces are proving that the alien fleet is not undefeatable.”

“My sources also passed on some unsettling stories from pilots working beyond the frontline systems. A few of them seem to think that the Thargoids’ interest in occupied escape pods – which is well documented – has recently increased. Apparently, there have been claims that Thargoid vessels went out of their way to abduct escape pods launched from ships damaged in battle.”

“These are little more than unsubstantiated rumours, of course, and not something I would usually include in a factual report. But we know so little about the Thargoids that even circumstantial changes in their behaviour might be significant. And I can’t be the only one who finds such tales chilling.”

“Otherwise, the most significant news this month was Azimuth Biotech’s corporate convention and the launch of its AX module redesign. Aegis clearly has the lead in both public sentiment and government support at this time, but it seems like Azimuth has no intention of ceasing its contributions to the war effort anytime soon.”

“This is Jade Sanderlyn for Vox Galactica. Stay safe out there.”

Dedicant Quest Yields Results

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

The missing megaship Dedicant is close to being located after fragments of its distress call were tracked down.

The scrambled messages were discovered on comms beacons in the LP 714-58, Wuniez, Olurung and Kwakimo systems. Combined decryption efforts eventually led to another beacon in the HIP 19912 system, where the Dedicant’s original transmission was revealed:











Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq of the Imperial Navy provided an update:

“Imperial Intelligence specialists are currently analysing the comms beacon in HIP 19912 to trace the message to its point of origin. We have orders not to commence any joint operations with the Federation, but I am authorised to make our findings public.”

Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency told the media:

“We appreciate the assistance from the Empire , and from all the independent pilots who helped find this distress call. It has confirmed our theory that the prisoners managed to regain control of their former vessel, using various modifications made to its internal systems.”

“FIA security teams are standing by to launch a rescue mission as and when the Dedicant’s location is pinpointed. They will retake the megaship by force if necessary and detain all Far God cultists onboard.”

The Hunt for the Dedicant

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Traces of a distress call from the Dedicant megaship have been detected in the LP 714-58 system.

Vice Admiral Amir Rafiq, a spokesperson for the Imperial Navy, broadcast an announcement on all public channels:

“An Imperial scout ship travelling through LP 714-58 has intercepted several fragmentary signals. Their identifying markers confirmed that they originated from the Dedicant. We believe there has been an encryption error in the system’s communication beacons, which prevented the distress call from being rerouted to its intended destination in the Federation.”

“Officially, the Imperial Navy no longer performs joint operations with our Federal counterparts. Nor do we involve ourselves in the activities of the illegal Far God cult. Nevertheless, we are sharing this information as a humanitarian gesture. Our hope is that this may aid a rescue mission for those trapped aboard the lost megaship.”

The Dedicant made an unscheduled hyperspace jump from the Popontia system on the 15th of June, while imprisoned members of the Order of the Far God were being transferred onboard to be relocated in the Alliance.

Executive Agent Jalen Locke of the Federal Intelligence Agency released a statement:

“It is unexpected to receive any kind of assistance from the Empire, but on this occasion we are grateful. Three security teams, comprised of 50 agents each, are currently on the Dedicant along with over 8,000 cultists. This is the first indication that the megaship remains intact and that our people are calling for help.”

“FIA specialists are en route to the LP 714-58 system. However, deciphering interstellar comms signals is a difficult and time-consuming task. We would appreciate any assistance from independent pilots if they are able to detect any further messages.”

Presidential Candidates Outline Manifestos

The three candidates in the Federal presidential election have taken part in a second live debate to discuss policies.

The event was more closely moderated than the first debate in June. The candidates discussed their campaigns in detail, with minimal interruption from their rivals.

Republican Party candidate Jerome Archer is the current vice president and a former director of the Federal Intelligence Agency. He explained his intentions to tighten security and increase military spending:

“Shielding citizens from external threats, whether human or alien, is always my top priority. Ms Winters lacks any significant achievements in her political career, if we’re honest. Whereas I can refer to many successes – such as the Proactive Detection Bureau – which prove I am a man of my word.”

Shadow President Felicia Winters, leader of the Liberal Party, was previously the secretary of state in Jasmina Halsey’s administration. She outlined her plans to reinvest in civil infrastructure by increasing corporate taxation:

“Our economic model will look to increase tax revenue generated by large corporations, greatly improving the quality of life for billions of people through public service investment. Mr Archer’s obsession with police-state programmes can only push the Federation further toward an authoritarian dystopia.”

Independent candidate Zachary Rackham is a well-known business magnate, who privately owns many Federal companies. His campaign pledges have proved highly popular, but remain light on detail:

“Is anyone else as bored of these two windbags as I am? All politicians do is make empty promises, but I’m in the business of giving people what they want. As president, I’ll make every single person rich and successful, just like – say it with me, come on – just like me!”

All three candidates pledged to prioritise funding for the Federal Navy’s anti-xeno efforts until the ongoing conflict with the Thargoids reaches a conclusion.

In related news, Congress confirmed that the election date has been shifted again. Refugee advocacy groups have argued that all residents of Federal systems lost to Thargoid invasion are entitled to vote, and the active re-registration of this demographic in new territories has forced a further delay. The election is now expected to be held in the last quarter of 3309.

Azimuth Plans Corporate Convention

Azimuth Biotech has announced an invitation-only event for prospective business partners and military liaisons.

CEO Torben Rademaker provided a statement to the media:

“New opportunities have emerged for Azimuth to resume the lead in anti-xeno operations. With Thargoid fleets rampaging through the core systems, and Aegis’s questionable policy of providing utility modules over increased firepower, humanity’s defence once again falls to us. But our organisation will no longer work in solitude.”

“I have extended the hand of partnership to selected financiers, military figures, research groups and manufacturing companies. They are invited to convene and discuss methods of helping us to resist the evil of the Thargoids.”

Business analyst Marlon Royce published this report via Vox Galactica:

“Ostensibly, this appears to be a public relations exercise for Azimuth Biotech. However, the company’s relative lack of support from independent pilots in a recent Thargoid tissue sample initiative has accelerated the company’s search for allies. Rumours among the tech community hint that the convention precedes the announcement of a weapon schematic redesign to whet the appetite of investors.”

“Azimuth is using private couriers to transport guests to and from the convention, entirely at its own expense. This generous professional courtesy also guarantees anonymity for attendees, making it difficult to determine who is on Rademaker’s guest list. Given nerves over Operation Wych Hunt disruption, this seems a wise choice.”

“We do know that Herculean Machines and Space Lanes Cargo are sending representatives. Aanya Gupta, CEO of Holloway Bioscience Institute, also agreed to meet with the rival xeno-researcher. But the rest are avoiding being publicly associated with Azimuth Biotech, which faced enormous criticism for its role in the Battle of HIP 22460 and the Thargoids’ subsequent retaliation.”

Presidential Candidates Hold Live Debate

Vice President Jerome Archer, Shadow President Felicia Winters, and entrepreneur Zachary Rackham have exchanged political views in a live debate.

The Republican, Liberal and independent candidates came together for an event that was broadcast across all Federal media networks. The event provided a platform to outline each candidate’s manifestos for voters, and engage in discourse on key issues.

The debate began smoothly, but did not continue in that vein as the three strong personalities clashed just a few questions in. Shortly after the broadcast, ICE channels began circulating a particularly popular segment in response to a question about Federal policy on public safety:

Archer: “Vigilance will be our watchword, and I aim to continue President Hudson’s excellent record on security.”

Rackham: “Oh, is that a fact? Lost any megaships recently, Jerome?”

Archer: “It’s hardly appropriate for me to comment on an ongoing FIA investigation. Although I realise that ‘appropriate’ may not be part of Mr Rackham’s vocabulary.”

Winters: “Perhaps it is appropriate, Mr Vice President, when the Dedicant situation is a direct result of your party’s repressive policies on religious expression.”

Rackham: “Woah there, ma’am! Is it any less repressive than all the tax hikes your fanciful friends will bring in?”

Winters: “Our marginal increases in taxation, mostly aimed at interstellar corporations, will result in significant reinvestment – ”

Rackham: “Listen, hear me out. What our people need – what they deserve – is to pay zero civil taxes. That’s right, no tax at all! What’s more, I’ll make sure the government co-funds every single business enterprise, large or small.”

Winters: “And after the economy collapses, how will you achieve that? By selling off the treasure you stole during your pirate days?”

Rackham: “Now that’s cold even for you, Ms Winters! Firing off ICE rumours is not a good look on an elected official.”

Despite impressive viewing figures, many political commentators considered it to be ‘unnecessarily personal’ and ‘portraying the Federation in a poor light’. A second debate is being scheduled, which promises to address these criticisms through close moderation.

An Audience with the Preceptor

The Order of the Far God has reached out to Seo Jin-ae, offering information on the possible fate of the Dedicant.

The megaship was due to transport members of the True Chapters sect from the Popontia system to the Alliance-governed Mullag system, but made a hyperspace jump ahead of schedule and disappeared. The Federal Intelligence Agency has interrogated cult members still waiting in Federal prison cells, but reportedly obtained no useful information.

Days later, Aegis was directly contacted by chapters of the Order within independent space. They volunteered to discuss the Dedicant but only with Seo Jin-ae, whom they refer to as ‘the Preceptor’ for her ability to interpret to the Thargoid hive mind.

After meeting Far God representatives at a secure location, Seo Jin-ae made a public statement:

“The meeting wasn’t as productive as the FIA hoped. I asked the cultists for information, but they wouldn’t stop jabbering about their religion. They wanted me to share ‘divine commandments’ from the Titans, and kept asking when the Far God would arrive to cleanse the galaxy. I’ll always be grateful to these people for rescuing me a few months ago, but it’s hard work convincing them I’m not a prophet.”

“During the brief period I got them talking about the Dedicant, they admitted knowing nothing about a True Chapters scheme to retake the megaship. And they certainly have no clue where it is now. The meeting was mostly a waste of time.”

“One thing was possibly useful, though. Apparently, the interiors of Far God megaships are remodelled to make them ‘deliberately confusing for heretics’. Corridors like insect tunnels, rooms turned into hive cells – that sort of thing. When I told them the FIA had already examined the ship’s layout while it was in custody, one cultist argued they hadn’t found the ‘secret doors’. They explained how Theta Seven failed to get the hyperdrive working after he gained control of the Sacrosanct, and claimed the crew of that ship rigged the thing with traps. Maybe that’s how the FIA agents lost control of the Dedicant.”

Alliance Offers Amnesty for Far God Cultists

The Alliance Assembly has submitted an appeal for clemency to Federal Congress for followers of the Order of the Far God.

The Thargoid-worshipping faith was outlawed by the Federation in October 3308, after a failed initiative in the Popontia system to outfit a megaship named the Dedicant. Every member of the ‘True Chapters’ sect on board was arrested and stripped of citizenship, with FIA agents rounding up known collaborators in subsequent days. This was in accordance with the Federal constitution which forbids supporting enemies of the state, which the Thargoids are legally classified as.

As part of the request, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon stated:

“The Alliance upholds the principles of religious tolerance, and our systems are free to develop their own laws regarding faith. This means we have always welcomed the Order of the Far God, regardless of its controversial nature. While many disagree with the Order’s message, their members are typically pacifists who have never sought to inflict harm on others.”

“Therefore, we propose that the Federation deports all Far God worshippers to Alliance space rather than imprison them. This could be quickly negotiated as a limited extension of existing extradition treaties.”

“As a security measure, adherents of the True Chapters and other Far God sects would be routinely checked for evidence of illegal activity. But they would otherwise be free to settle on Allied worlds and establish new communities.”

Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune:

“In the midst of the Thargoid war, some will view this offer as bordering on traitorous. But Mahon is grasping a high-profile opportunity to distinguish the libertarian Alliance from an increasingly authoritarian Federation. If this gesture helps convince independent systems to seek Allied membership, the political gain could far outweigh the potential risk.”