Logbook entry

(5,955 hours) - Phase 17 - 109 hours, 2.1k jumps, 40k LY & 38k scans

08 Dec 2020Evolution
| Overview |

The overall mission can be found here.

The log is structured into the following sections:
  • Overview
  • The Plan - showing the stages within the phase for the route of the journey.
  • Phase - explaining the exact route with specific notable entries and images. With progress shown in green.
  • Progress stats - giving the phase totals and overall totals for the journey.
  • Route - showing the phase route and overall journey since Phase 1.
  • The Plan ahead - outlining what the next phase will cover.

  • -------------
    | The Plan |

    Phase 17 was broken into the stages below:
  • Stage 1 involved getting all the Colonia engineers unlocked and levelled up.
  • Stage 2 then meant getting allied with any new factions in power since my last visit to Colonia.
  • Stage 3 was to contribute towards the INARA award 'The Explorer' level 4 around Colonia.
  • Stage 4 was to travel back to the bubble, helping Sirius Atmospherics with their request for Ammonia world data.

  • -------------
    | Phase 17 |

    This phase has taken 109 hours effort since the Phase 16 update..

    Stage 1 was to get all the Colonia engineers unlocked and levelled up. There were 4 to do, which started with:

    Marsha Hicks to hand in 10T Osmium at The Watchtower in the TIR system. I could get started straight away as the previous phase had intentionally ended there. Collector limpets were pinned and then a fuel scoop was levelled to unlock grade 5, before removing the mod (as a shielded fuel scoop wasn't needed anyway).

    Next, Jacques station was visited in Colonia to pick up 200T of Progenitor Cells for Petra Olmanova. After arriving, I saw the prices were much better at Colonia Hub, so only 2.3k LS was travelled to visit the planetary outpost where the commodities were bought. The cost was 1,125,800, saving 209,400 credits compared to Jacques.

    With those onboard, Viatorem jumped over to the ASURA systems planet 1 D to visit Sanctuary, level up Petra Olmanova to level 5 and pin a blueprint.

    After they were handed in, that meant some of the cargo racks could be got rid of. With that in mind, a Hatch Breaker Limpet controller was purchased at Dervish Platform in OGMAR.

    In the LUCHTAINE system, distress signals were investigated to save 25 people in escape pods that were needed later for the fourth engineer. Mel Brandon was third, to hand in 100,000 credits of bounties at The Brig in LUCHTAINE.

    Lastly, Etienne Dorn was visited to hand in the 25 Escape pods. I'm sure the people were relieved to be finally revived as by the looks of it, Etienne Dorn had a whole city for them to relax in while they contacted family members:

    Stage 2 was to get allied with any new factions in power since September, when I was last in the area.
    If you want to get allied with either the factions of Colonia or up to and including the thousand nearest stations to Shinrarta Dezhra then feel free to take a copy for yourself o7

    Luckily, not much had changed in 5 weeks except some switching of factions that I was already allied with. As there were two factions with a medium sized pad still remaining, I bought a cheap Sidewinder to tick off the last two for Colonia.

    DistanceSystemStationMinor Faction
    16.69 Pennsylvania The PitConsortium Pioneers
    8.88 Ratraii Bonestell PointColonia Co-operative

    The Sidewinder was sold and Viatorem used again. The last stop for this stage was in the KOJEARA system, at Tolagarf's Junkyard asteroid base to pick up an SRV hanger.

  • The progress values at the end of the stage were 20 jumps, 220 scans, 1 planet mapped and 353.74LY - worth 1,399,494 credits.
  • The average scans per system were 11.0

  • Stage 3 was then in progress, to scan a huge amount of systems in the Colonia. You can see the previous coverage here in Phase 13.

    At the time of starting this stage, 21,024 systems were visited and 132,724 bodies scanned. That meant there were 117,276 scans needed to achieve the INARA award of 'The Explorer' level 4. So, Stage 3 was to focus just on scans rather than also mapping planets or distances like I'd done in the past.

    Each group of progress stats below cover either one day or a set of shorter sessions (as per the name listed) with images for each group.

    For the first day of Stage 3, system EOL PROU VY-R D4-713 had an Earth-Like world which was first mapped by one of my friends, CMDR Cral Travis:

  • The progress values for the day were 190 jumps (210 total), 3,434 scans (3,654 total), 1 planet mapped (2 total) and 811.41LY (1,165.15 total) - worth 20,502,881 credits (21,902,375 total).
  • The average scans per system were 18.07 and the phase average was 17.40 scans per system
  • 113,622 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • The next day involved scanning without mapping any planets. As you'll see below, the time was well spent!

  • The progress values for the day were 225 jumps (435 total), 4,375 scans (8,029 total) and 1,057.51LY (2,222.66 total) - worth 29,240,867 credits (51,143,242 total).
  • The average scans per system were 19.44 and the phase average was then 18.46 scans per system
  • 109,247 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • 9 jumps were taken away from the area to visit Lidigoticum Umbrella Mollusc's for the first time in the EOL PROU PX-T D3-1645 system:

  • The progress values for the day were 279 jumps (714 total), 5,152 scans (13,181 total) and 1,332.47LY (3,555.13 total) - worth 26,800,218 credits (77,943,460 total).
  • The average scans per system were almost spot on, at 18.47 and the phase average was still 18.46 scans per system
  • 104,095 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • The image of the day was of Foster Terminal, a dockable megaship from the days before the Pilots Federation allowed carriers to be privately owned by individual commanders. The location was chosen for its views of a set of rings, orbiting a Class I Gas giant.

  • The progress values for the day were 378 jumps (1,092 total), 6,741 scans (19,922 total) and 1,899.26LY (5,454.39 total) - worth 38,495,437 credits (116,438,897 total).
  • The average scans per system were 17.83 and the phase average was then 18.24 scans per system
  • 97,354 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • The next few days were joined together as one set covering 15 hours. For the combined effort, I'd finished visting every system within a 32LY range of all directions from Colonia.
    Here's the unvisited systems filter view, showing none left at all:

    Here's the visited system filter:

  • The progress values for the set were 289 jumps (1,381 total), 5,709 scans (25,631 total) and 3,810.68LY (9,265.07 total) - worth 31,650,827 credits (148,089,724 total).
  • The average scans per system were 19.75 and the phase average was then 18.56 scans per system
  • 91,645 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • During the next set, the POE system was explored and a new faction had taken control which was previously controlled by the Nu Simbad faction. The station was visited on a 1.85G world which is shown below. Although the gravity was high, after so much scanning and much more remaining, a break was taken for a week and a half there:
    DistanceSystemStationMinor Faction
    35.95 Poe Neon SanctuaryThe Order Of The Wandering Siamese

  • The progress values for the set were 260 jumps (1,641 total), 4,589 scans (30,220 total) and 1,212.62LY (10,477.69 total) - worth 25,112,638 credits (173,202,362 total).
  • The average scans per system were 17.65 and the phase average was then 18.42 scans per system
  • 87,056 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.

  • I'd learned that there was an initiative going on in the bubble where the faction Sirius Atmospherics were offering a unique discovery scanner for mapping Ammonia worlds. Due to that, the plan changed to...

    Stage 4 was to travel back to the bubble, helping Sirius Atmospherics with their request for Ammonia world data.

    A lot of progress was covered in the first set. Although the main focus was scanning Ammonia worlds, an interesting stellar remnant nebula was spotted in the Dryooe Flyou sector, so I headed over to investigate and captured a worthy image for the set:

  • The progress values for the day were 151 jumps (1,792 total), 3,007 scans (33,227 total), 112 planets mapped (104 total) and 8,662.85LY (19,140.54 total) - worth 135,934,964 credits (309,137,326 total).
  • The average scans per system were 19.91 and the phase average was then 18.54 scans per system
  • 84,049 scans remained to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.
  • 112 Ammonia worlds had been scanned and mapped.

  • A very unique system (for a few reasons) was discovered in the next set. The system was PREIA PHOE QY-Z D189 which contained 11 Gas giants and none of them were standard. Instead, 8 were Helium Gas giants, 1 was a Water giant and 2 were Gas giants with water based life, acting as moons for Helium giants. So, very interesting indeed!

    It wasn't just the GG information that was facinating as there was also an Ammonia world with 120 Earth masses and 47,793.67 atmospheric pressures! Comparing that vs the smallest Helium giant showed the Ammonia world having +113.6856 Earth masses and +7,293KM radius.

    At 17k LY from Colonia and 5k LY from MUSCA DARK REGION PJ-P B6-1, a new EL was found in the BLAE DRYE PJ-O D7-109 system:

    Viatorem continued onwards with the mission and eventually reached Betancourt Base in MUSCA DARK REGION PJ-P B6-1. All the data was handed in and I was pleased to see Tier 4 unlocked and that I had reached the high end of the top 10% with 667 reports:

  • The progress values for the last set were 313 jumps, 5,235 scans, 86 planets mapped and 21,160.24LY - worth 124,471,934 credits. The totals are shown in the following section
  • The average scans per system were 16.73
  • 78,814 scans remain to unlock 'The Explorer' level 4.
  • 196 Ammonia worlds had been scanned and mapped.

  • -------------------
    | Progress Stats |

    The progress values for Phase 17 were:
  • Jumps: 2,105
  • Distance: 40,300.78LY
  • Scans: 38,462
  • Planets Mapped: 200
  • Value: 433,609,260
  • Average scans per system: 18.27

  • Combining the totals from the 17 Phases gives the overall progress of:
  • Jumps: 7,534
  • Distance: 297,225.84LY
  • Scans: 118,300
  • Planets Mapped: 2,040
  • Value: 3,975,821,197
  • Average scans per system: 15.70

  • ----------
    | Route |

    This section shows the route I'd taken via ED Discovery

    The sphere of 1,641 explored systems around Colonia is shown here:

    This was the route for just Phase 17:

    Here was the entire journey for Phases 1-17:

    | The plan ahead |

    After arriving back from travelling nearly 300k light years, scanning 120k bodies, mapping 2k planets and earning nearly 4b credits since Phase 1, I feel like it's time to have a break from exploration for a while and take it casually for the time being.

    Thank you so much to everyone for having a read through, liking the logs and giving me a shout throughout the journeys. I'll still be around (as always) and will look forward to seeing you in the near future o7.


    Thank you for having a read through. Feel free to give me a shout if you have any comments or questions.
    Stay safe and fly safe.
    o7, Evo
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