Logbook entry

He Breathes Like An Imperial

06 May 2024Miseri
Following Out of the Frying Pan in chronology

There is a distinct awareness, despite the numbness, that one is awake. Consciousness slowly returning, muffled sound, voices maybe?
Yes voices, she was sure that her senses were dulled.
Scent is something.. clean or static. Ozone, Electric? There was a taste on her tongue sticky and strong... like... Garlic???

Suddenly Light, an eye opens, or rather is opened by someone who is some what roughly pulling her eye lid up and shining a bright light into it.
"OK, Doc." came the voice she assumed was coming from the man whose finger was currently one small move away from poking her in her right eye, "Is she awake yet or not. They told you three times the dose, but I know you put in that god damn personal cocktail in but if she doesn't wake up soon she is gonna miss the meeting."
Anri let her eye focus, things were still blurry but she could at least make out the distinct form of two people. Her jaw moved slowly up and down only for no sound to come out, just a small bit of drool and a soft gurgle sound as she tried to speak.
"AH Hell Doc I should never have doubted ya, look shes trying to talk.", the man holding her head leaned down to her eye level, his face masked of course.
"Ms. LaRosa,"
He spoke clearly and slowly to her,
"My employers have a great deal of interest in speaking to you, but for right now I am going to lean your head back in this here chair and let you get your bearing. My name is Captain Hunter I'm in charge of the team you came in with. This man here is Doc he is gonna just check your vitals while we talk.".
He motioned with a nod of his head over to the other shape in the room, a man wearing non descript medical scrubs who haphazardly lifted one gloved hand into the hair as if to say hello from behind the monitoring device he stood beside.

Hunter slowly placed her head on the rest of the chair and she used her open eye to scan the room.
Soft Blue, white lights, clean , cold efficient room design. Federal? Only in design though, no emblems , no symbols , just cold isolated walls.
Her hands and feet were restrained, latched down to the chair, not uncomfortably but tight.
A black site, off the books location, maybe even megaship. She was too woozy to tell if the vibration she felt was hull movement or planetary.
Woozy? Noooo, Drugged off her ass... what had he said, three times the dose?
Every thing was slowed down to a crawl, the man called Doc was
checking her over. Tilting her head to the side and checking her eyes and for a moment their eyes met. His were a silver grey, He was a bit older, he was sweating slightly under all that get up, nervous maybe?
"Im..iels"... She tries to talk only to find her mouth still not fully responsive but it had been enough to get Hunters attention. "What was that Miss?"
he asked as Doc stepped back over to his side of the interrogation chamber.
Blinking and shaking her head she slowly gathered herself and tried again.
"Imperial" she spat out the word with a great deal of effort.
Hunter chuckled " Come again, im sorry was that a question or an accusation"
"Doc is Imperial, Facility style is Federal" It takes her several moments longer then it should to get out the words.

Captain Hunter came closer to her face again, leaning over to her,
"Now I'm not saying Doc there is an Imperial, but as if'n he was by chance", there was a pause in his voice before he continued,
"Just how exactly are you sure about that considering as how you just woke up from what I figure was an extremely long nap."
Hunter looked over at Doc who was shrugging his shoulders unable to fathom how she could know anything when he had not so much as spoken in her presence.
Her head tilted around lazily as she found it still hard to hold her head up with out effort, her breathing was labored but she managed to fix her gaze in Docs direction. A mad smile creeped over her face.
"He Breathes like an Imperial" , she began giggling gently letting her head flop forward a moment, Hunter lifted her head up to look him in the eye, there was no way to tell behind the opaque mask what he was thinking but after a moment he let out a slow laugh and let her head go. Stepping back from the chair he shook his head, " God Damn she is as good a bull-shitter as they said Doc. Now I see why they wanted to talk to you directly."
He got up from next to her and walked towards the door on the far side.
"What do you say we get you ready for your Interview Ms. LaRosa?"
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