Logbook entry

Personal Log - May 4th, 3309

08 May 2024XenonManta
I am not a noble spirit. I should just be honest here. I gave up any notion that I am a 'good' person a long time ago.

Even now, as I am sitting here cleaning my armor and rifles. I am reminded of this. I see evil in this simple work. A necessary evil - a terrible purpose. My Terrible Purpose.

I signed on with the Legion, Lavigny's Legion - and despite everything in my raising in Sirius, it seemed like the most good that I could aim for. There is chaos - everywhere. But the Empire regulates the chaos, the mindless loss - and maybe fighting for these people, I can leave some good behind before I finally meet my own end.

The Explorers of Anarchy wanted this damned prospect on Taiocamu 3b. Why the Legion seems to think these assholes are a better fit for future order is not my call and if I am being honest, I don't want that responsibility. I dropped into a mining prospect on the planet, kitted with my laser rifle and a submachine gun and I've lost track of how many people I dropped. It was a grisly, but one sided conflict. By the end, the Anarchists had the prospect whole, a half dozen attempted recaptures had failed and the recyclers at the outpost will be running for weeks on the casualties.

As for me, I collected my combat bonds. And now, I'm cleaning my gear. It's a quiet time - meditative, really. Wipe, scrub, oil - simple, cold, quiet work. It's the peace after rage. The slow breathing work.

I hear the next dropzone is moving, I might be flying my Krait again. We'll see. I still chuckle at my beauty - the LLV Jagged Slumber. I have nightmares and named my infernal companion of a ship for them. I don't claim to bring justice. But maybe - when the Emperor finally spreads far enough, there will be peace.

It will be time to work again soon.

For now, I'll clean my rifles.
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