Elite: Game talk

today, 9:09am
They haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.
today, 9:12am
Maybe they'll remove the tumbling from other ships after making Pee Mk2 available for credits. Covering it under a shitey made-up GalNet crap like "improving the SCO thanks to collected data blah blah blah"... :p
today, 12:11pm
Kasumi GotoThey haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.

Good description of the all-axis tumble a ship can take using this drive boost...

MeowersMaybe they'll remove the tumbling from other ships after making Pee Mk2 available for credits. Covering it under a shitey made-up GalNet crap like "improving the SCO thanks to collected data blah blah blah"... :p

Well, that have to say something
today, 2:15pm
ThinderWell, that have to say something
Of course, they want to sell as many of these for Arx as possible. :p
today, 2:28pm
It is all about ARX their pre-built ships don't allow to turn ARX into in game credits. Spend your ARX your bought on candy wrappers which FD have plenty and wait when regular PMKII would be released.
today, 4:06pm
Kasumi GotoThey haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.

Too much torque twisting the superstructure. I can see an opportunity for a new engineering - SCO Reinforced/double braced housing. Kinda like cross bracing on cars to reinforce the chassis (cost = extra mass).

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